Hansen Clinic

Welcome to The Hansen Clinic Weight-Loss Coaching Program

Helping You Achieve Your Fitness, Nutrition and Weight-Loss Goals

Take Charge of Your Health

  • The Hansen Clinic 90-day Weight-Loss Coaching Program features personalized nutrition guidelines and customized workouts tailored specifically to you and your metabolic body type.
  • Your customized fitness and nutrition program gives you individualized nutritional guidance and recipes, as well as personalized fitness training. This training is done remotely in your own home gym or through your existing gym membership.
  • The program advances as you achieve your goals and create a healthier, leaner and fitter body. You’ll access weekly routines, instructions and reminders from our Weight-Loss Coaching team to get amazing results that are safe and fun.
  • You’ll enjoy healthy and delicious nutritional guidance, with personal oversight and encouragement through twice monthly on-on-one coaching calls that will help you succeed.
  • I know you will love this personalized program designed exclusively for your goals and body type.
Helping You Achieve Success

Unlock Your Full Potential

Say Hello to THE NEW YOU

The Hansen Clinic Weight-Loss Coaching Program is designed to give you expert, individualized attention to meet your unique needs. We have created fitness and nutrition components specifically for your goals and your body type. Your individualized workout routines help you achieve visible results and dramatically improve how you look and feel.  I will monitor your nutrition and fitness progress every step of the way.  It’s time to get the expert coaching you deserve for the results you want!


You'll be part of a personalized program designed for your goals and body type.

Participate in coaching where individualized education and encouragement create results.

Your nutrition plan is completely customized to your individual body type!

What are the benefits of Fitness Coaching?

It’s time to take charge of your health and achieve your weight and fitness goals!

The secret to losing weight and keeping it off is using a system specifically designed for your metabolic body type.

Here’s the truth, if other fitness programs have not allowed you to take the weight off, they were probably the wrong ones for you.

Our Hansen Clinic 90-day coaching program dives into the science of metabolism, body-type, hormones and nutrition to ensure your optimal health and success.

Who is Coaching For?

  • Men and Women over 40 who want to lose between 5 to 100 pounds and keep it off, while improving muscle strength and feeling great.
  • Women and Men over 40 who want a weight-loss program specifically designed for their specific body type and challenges.
  • People who want to combine fitness and nutrition goals to lose weight AND improve their optimal overall health and well-being.

Balance Your Weight. Set Your Goals. Meet the Challenge. Reward Yourself.

Dr. Hansen has designed this unique 90-day Fitness and Wellness program with you in mind. You will receive the same high level of support that you receive through the Hansen Clinic, with your progress professionally monitored, to ensure that you receive optimal results.

We’ve combined advanced technology with over 30 years of Health, Fitness and Nutrition expertise to give you the highest quality personalized program available today.

Your results will be individual to you and depend upon your level of participation in your customized fitness and nutrition program.

Program Resources

You will be provided with weekly routines, video instructions and reminders from a real person, so you can experience amazing results, specifically designed with your success in mind.

Access Your Customized Nutrition and Supplement Plan

Easily access your personalized plan at any time. Learn how to eat right for meeting your nutritional needs.

Participate in Your Personalized Fitness Plan

Receive workouts that are specific to your body type and are designed with your fitness level and safety in mind.

Receive One on One Coaching

You’ll get personal feedback and make adjustments to keep you on track for achieving your goals.

Don’t Wait Any Longer.

Start Building Your Own Path to a Healthy Lifestyle Today!

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