Optimum Vitality for Mood and Energy

by | Sep 11, 2008

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1. Jane, Phoenix, AZ
I have always been a very moody person and sometimes become very depressed, which can be difficult since customer service is a large part of my job. My doctor wanted to prescribe Prozac but I don’t like to take prescription medication and decided to try a natural approach first. I started taking Optimum Vitality and felt a very subtle change in my overall mood. I didn’t feel like I had taken something. I just felt good and had more energy. I no longer experience the mood swings that used to make me miserable and difficult to be around. My family and friends have commented that I seem happier and I feel GREAT!
2. Linda, Dallas, TX
After the birth of my son 6 years ago I suffered from post-partum depression. As time went on my depression got worse instead of better. After about 1 ½ years of this someone told that if I had another baby things would even out. So, wanting another child, we had our daughter. The depression did not get better in fact it got worse! I struggled from day to day just to get the basics done. I would yell at my children all day and hide in my room whenever I could. My husband would come home to no dinner and a mess. My relationship with my family was nonexistent. This is not what I had envisioned motherhood would be like. I hated it! I knew my family would be better off with out me and often thought of getting in the car and just driving away. To where I did not know, just away from everything! I never contemplated suicide, just running!
I tried talking to my GYN about it and got a horrible response! I was told that it was just PMS and to stop eating chocolate! I knew that wasn’t the problem! I knew that it was chemical because of when it all stared. I was a very active, peaceful person before the birth of my son. Not knowing where else to turn and knowing that I needed help desperately I finally went to a Therapist. I knew that he would need some back ground information so I was willing to talk with him for awhile. But, when he asked me if anything was wrong in my childhood I almost lost it! My childhood was normal and that was not my problem!
I couldn’t understand why no one believed me when I told them that my problem was chemical and not mental! After 5 years I finally found someone who at least acknowledged that I needed some help and was willing to give me some medication. I went on Prozac to begin with. What a nightmare that was! I slept all day and night for two weeks!! My kids had to go to other houses, people had to bring in food for my family! And I actually contemplated suicide while on an anti-depressant!! This was no way to live either! My medication was changed and I did some what better. I was able to function and did not yell at my family. But, I was still so tried that it was difficult to get anything accomplished during the day. I gained 55 pounds because of the medication (that was one of the side effects). I figured that this was better than before, but still knew there had to be a better way. I hated talking the medication!
I was talking with a friend one day about my frustration. She said that Dr. Hansen was in town and that I should go talk with him. He was scheduled to be at Whole Foods in Plano the next day. I made a list of what medications I was taking and questions I had and went to Whole Foods. When I got to speak with Dr. Hansen I was amazed! There we were in the middle of a busy store with a line of people waiting to see him. He made me feel as if I was the only one there and that he would take the time I needed to answer my questions and be sure that I understood what I could do to feel better! He told me to go off my medication and to take Optimum Vitality. I asked if I should gradually go off. He said that I should stop today and start taking the Optimum Vitality.
I was excited and bought the product right then at Whole Foods. I was a little worried about not taking my medication. Even though it was not exactly what I wanted it was a whole lot better than before. The first night I was off my medication I did not sleep. I know this was because the medication had been making me sleep and my body had forgotten how to on its own. But the next night and every night since I have slept very well. I have so much energy I actually have cleaned closets that haven’t been touched in years! My family has a meal every night, my children and I go swimming and do other activities together. There is not much yelling in our house (I am still human). And I don’t live in fear of what I might do. There is actually laughter in our house again! And I have lost 15 ponds! I know that it is because of the Optimum Vitality that I have my life back and my family has a wife and mother!
Thank you Dr. Hansen for helping me! I owe you my life!!
3. John, Phoenix, AZ
When I turned forty something happened to me. I am a business owner with a very active schedule. I was already taking Peak Advantage and GSE 100, but I was experiencing energy ups and downs that I couldn’t figure out. I decided to try Dr. Hansen’s Mood and Energy Formula Optimum Vitality. I started out by taking 2 capsules each morning and within two days felt a dramatic boost in energy. It was an amazing difference! No more energy ups and downs, just consistent high energy. Now I just take 1 capsule daily in the morning. If I take 2 I almost get a euphoric feeling. Optimum Vitality is awesome!
For more Information about Optimum VItality, click here.

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