Hansen Clinic Terms of Use and Conditions of Sale

Updated 05/15/2023

This Agreement sets forth the legally binding terms for your  association with Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD including use of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD website(s), and purchases of memberships, products and/or services (collectively, “the services”). This is a legally binding agreement between you and Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD. By signing, clicking the “accept” button, or by using Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD website(s) and or services, you agree to be bound by this agreement. Please read this agreement carefully and retain it for future reference. If you do not agree with our Terms of Use or Conditions of Sale, you should leave the Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD website and discontinue use of the services immediately.


The Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine is required by law to abide by the standards and requirements of HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), which was established in 1996 to protect the privacy of the individuals’ medical records and other personal health information. Patients and Clients authorize the Hansen Clinic to comply with these privacy laws and to release all or part of any medical records to other referred health care providers, insurance companies, or medical entities as required for my medical care, as part of any treatment plan with Hansen Clinic, or as required by law. Hansen Clinic may not release my records to outside facilities or third-party providers not directly related to a patient’s care at the Hansen Clinic, except where the patient has given specific written permission to disclose such information. Patients and clients further understand that they may withdraw this permission at any time with written notice.

Privacy Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD ‘s full privacy policy may be accessed at https://drhansen.com/privacy. When attending a live event, in which Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD participates in, you agree that Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD may receive your personal identifying information from the event facility, excluding all information pertaining to your credit card or method of payment. The purpose of this is to allow Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD to use that information internally and to share information regarding products and services with event attendees, in accordance with the posted Privacy Policy.

Services Use of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD services are provided “as is”, and without warranties. While Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD attempts to be as accurate as possible, our information should not be relied upon as being comprehensive or error-free. Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD services are designed to enhance your personal life. This information is intended for educational and research purposes only. Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD does not guarantee any specific results from use of the services and makes no representations or warranties as to specific outcomes or results. Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD cannot guarantee happiness, health, wealth, or success. Your future health, success, and happiness are solely dependent upon you. When you use Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD services, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.

Examples of success in using Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD services are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of life enhancement. Any potential benefit from association with Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD, including health or other perceived benefit is entirely dependent on the efforts and skills of the person applying the information provided within Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD recommendations, services, programs, and materials.

Products and services purchased, including Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD memberships, may include varied components, including personal appointments, supplements, prescriptions, live events, workshops, coaching, masterminding, seminars, webinars, manuals, independent-study programs, videos, audio tracks, classes, videos, printed materials and/or other products and services. Products and services may be delivered through any means currently available, including but not limited to various in person, physical and online, electronic delivery methods.

All services are for individual and intended use in or in conjunction with Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD programs only. Program content and personalized medical  recommendations are for individual use only, and may not be sold, transmitted, stored in an automatic retrieval system, audio recorded, video recorded, shared, taught, given away, or otherwise divulged without the express written consent of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD, or our designated agent. You agree not to divulge information gained through association with Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD, relationship partners, and assign, through participation in services, including services provided through our online store located at https://shop.drhansen.com.

Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD  Community Members, including patients, will each be issued a unique username and password to the patient portal, and should only be used by one individual. You agree not to share login information, call-in numbers, passwords, and protected links with non-members.


Patients and Clients may request health care services to be provided by Dr. Clark Hansen, N.M.D., his designated associate staff members and technicians as directed by him, as he may determine to be required for their care. Patients and Clients understand that any agreement to accept these services is called a General Consent and that it includes routine diagnostic, and laboratory testing procedures or treatments such as blood drawing, physical examination, EKG, the use of local anesthesia, as well as the administration of medications by Intramuscular or Intravenous injections. Patients and Clients understand that, as with all medical procedures, the results of the medical treatments and procedures at the Hansen Clinic cannot be entirely predicted or guaranteed. Although, Dr. Hansen has had great success in treating thousands of patients over his 35+ years of practice, neither he nor his staff can give any certain guarantee of the individual outcome or success any patient may have. However, Patients and Clients also understand that Hansen Clinic promises to treat each patient with our full attention and integrity using the best of our expertise and years of experience.

Cooperation We are committed to providing all patients and participants in Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD programs and services with a positive experience. Therefore, Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD may, at our sole discretion, limit, suspend, or terminate your participation in any of our patient services, or programs, without refund or forgiveness of remaining payments if You, or your invited guests, become disruptive or difficult to work with, fail to follow the program guidelines, or impede the full enjoyment or participation of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD staff, patients, or program participants.

Terms This Agreement will stay in force and effect until the end of the term indicated on your order form. Failure to pay invoices or required fees may result in Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD terminating the Agreement prior to the end of the term and discontinuing your access to services.
Your use of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD website(s) or services after your termination may extend the term of this Agreement and may cause you to incur additional fees.

Medical Disclaimer Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD, our employees and agents are not responsible for any physical or non-physical damages, including mental and emotional damages, either real, perceived, imagined, or otherwise sustained as a result of the use of the recommendations, programs and services provided through Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD Website(s) or through participation in professional services, live or group events. Participants must rely solely upon their own judgment to determine whether they are able to safely participate in any Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD recommendations, events, and programs.  articipation and/or use of any services is at your own risk.

Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD Websites Do Not Provide Medical Advice

The contents of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark  Hansen, NMD websites such as text, graphics, images, information obtained from Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD licensors, and other material contained on Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD websites (“Content”) are for informational purposes only.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you are a patient, your personalized treatment plan, and personal medical history take precedence over any information you have gleaned from the Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD website(s).

As a patient, it is your responsibility to disclose your current and past medical history, any previous course of treatment, prescriptions and supplements you have taken or are currently taking, adverse reactions to any treatment, and any other relevant information pertaining to your health or well-being to Dr. Hansen, during the course of your treatment in order to ensure that your current, individual treatment plan is supportive of your health. Failure to disclose certain relevant health information, during the course of treatment can cause an adverse affect on the quality of your health and can lead to misdiagnosis or additional health concerns. It is additionally your responsibility to report back any adverse reactions or concerns during your course of treatment, in order for immediate corrective action to be taken, and in order to preserve your health and well being consistent with your current condition.

Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Site!

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.

Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD websites do not specifically recommend or endorse, to any individual, any specific tests, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site.

The information herein is for informational purposes only and specific advice must for your personal health concerns must be obtained through an appointment with your personal healthcare provider, with respect to your current circumstances and in light of your own personal medical history.

Reliance on any information provided by Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD employees, Links on the site, or others appearing on the Site at the invitation of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD, or other visitors to Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD websites is solely at your own risk.

Furthermore, information added to Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD websites by its clients are added at sole discretion of the clients and are full responsibility of the said client. Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD does not accept any liability or responsibility on said content.

Accessibility Compliance Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD does not discriminate against individuals with disabilities from full participation in programs and services. Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD allows people with disabilities access to programs and services in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of the individual. Eligibility criteria for Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD programs and services is equally applied to all applicants, regardless of disability.

Due to the nature of some of these programs and services, Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD reserves the right to determine an individual’s ability to participate in a mainstream program and make reasonable modifications, if necessary. Prior to registration or participation in any Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD program or service, participants will be provided with the essential components of the activity, and our physical and cognitive requirements to ensure their safety and the safety of others, during the program or service event.

It is the responsibility of the individual to notify Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD of any limitations on the individual’s ability to participate in any Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD activities including any condition (e.g., mental, physical, emotional), which might affect their health or well-being, the well-being of others, or affect their ability to engage in Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD activities.

Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD will engage the individual, through dialogue about potential modifications that may allow active participation in programs and services including a dialogue potentially with the applicant’s physician, or others familiar with the applicant’s disability and modifications utilized in the past.

If an individual, who wishes to participate in Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD, has a medical condition or disability, we must determine whether they can participate in the program, with or without modifications to the program. In considering modifications, that will allow access to programs and services, we must consider the needs of all participants.

We will use outside resources (e.g., a consulting physician, interest groups, adaptive equipment manufacturers/sellers, associations for specific disabilities, the individual’s physician) in making decisions about potential modifications/safety issues.

It is the policy of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD to screen all program and services participants to understand and effectively deal with any medical or health concerns before participation and to refer out applicants who, for medical reasons or otherwise, cannot or should not attend the program. Access to programs and services (including proposed modifications) is not required, however, if it would 1) result in an undue burden (e.g., “significant” cost, training, etc.) on the entity; 2) fundamentally alter the nature of the workshop program or activity (for the individual and others); or 3) compromise the safety of others attending the workshop, session, or program.

Relationship Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to (i) give either party the power to direct and control the day-to-day activities of the other; (ii) deem the parties to be acting as partners, joint ventures, co-owners or otherwise as participants in a joint undertaking; or (iii) allow either party to create or assume any obligation on behalf of the other party for any purpose whatsoever.

Modification Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD may modify this Agreement from time to time and such modification shall be effective upon posting upon Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD Website. You agree to be bound to any changes to this Agreement when you use the services after any such modification is posted. It is important that you review this Agreement regularly to ensure you are updated as to any changes.

Assignment You may not, without the prior written consent of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD, assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, either voluntarily or by operation of law, and any attempt to do so shall be a material default of this Agreement and shall be void. Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD ‘s rights and obligations, in whole or in part, under this Agreement may be assigned or transferred by Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD.

Third Party Beneficiaries This Agreement is solely for the benefit of the parties and their successors and permitted assigns and does not confer any rights or remedies on any other person or entity.

Governing Law This Agreement shall be interpreted according to the laws of the State of Arizona without regard to or application of choice-of-law rules or principles.

Waiver No failure of either party to exercise or enforce any of our rights under this Agreement shall act as a waiver of subsequent breaches; and the waiver of any breach shall not act as a waiver of subsequent breaches.

Severability In the event any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law, and the other provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. The parties further agree that in the event such provision is an essential part of this Agreement, they begin negotiations for a suitable replacement provision.

Force Majeure If either party is prevented from performing any of our obligations under this Agreement due to any cause beyond the party’s reasonable control, including, without limitation, an act of God, fire, flood, natural disaster, explosion, war, strike, embargo, government regulation, civil or military authority, acts or omissions of carriers, transmitters, providers, vandals, or hackers (a “force majeure event”) the time for that party’s performance will be extended for the period of the delay or inability to perform due to such occurrence; provided, however, that You will not be excused from the payment of any sums of money owed by you to Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD; and provided further, however, that if a party suffering a force majeure event is unable to cure that event within thirty (30) days, the other party may terminate this Agreement.

Construction This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted fairly, in accordance with the plain meaning of our terms, and there shall be no presumption or inference against the party drafting this Agreement in construing or interpreting the provisions hereof.

Remedies Except as provided herein, the rights and remedies of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD are set forth in this Agreement are not exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies available to it at law or in equity.

Binding Effect This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the respective parties hereto, their respective successors-in-interest, legal representatives, heirs and assigns.

Damage Waiver In no event shall either party be liable to the other party hereunder for any lost profour or other consequential, incidental, indirect, special, or similar damages, even if such a party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall either party be liable to the other for exemplary or punitive damages. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD’s liability to you for any cause whatsoever and regardless of the form of action, will at all times be limited to the total amount paid, if any, by you to Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD for the services during the term of the agreement.

Use of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD ‘s Name, Logo, Likeness or Intellectual Property You shall not, in the course of performance of this
Agreement, or thereafter, use Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD or Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD ‘s name, logo, likeness or intellectual property in any way, including physical media, electronic media, advertising or promotional media without the express permission of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD.

Intellectual Property The materials provided as part of your services are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form, or by any means, physical electronic or otherwise, without the express written permission of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD. You may not reproduce, republish, display, perform, distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, re-post or use the content of the materials for public or commercial purposes without the express written permission of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD. The trademarks, logos and service marks (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed on the materials are registered and unregistered Trademarks of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD and other third parties that have authorized the use of such Trademarks on the Website and within Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD’s materials. Nothing contained in the materials or on Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD website should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on the website without the written permission of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD
or the appropriate third party. Your use of the Trademarks displayed on the materials, on the website, or in any other content, except as provided in these terms and conditions, is strictly prohibited.

Terms of Use Agreement You agree to the terms and conditions of the Terms of Use found at www. Hansen  Clinic .com.

Disputes If there is any dispute about or involving the services, you agree that the dispute shall be governed by the laws of the State of Arizona, United States of America, without regard to conflict of law provisions and you agree to exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue in the state and federal courts of the United States located in the State of Arizona. Either Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD or you may demand that any dispute between you and Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD about or involving the services must be settled by arbitration utilizing the dispute resolution procedures of the American Arbitration Association (AAA) in Arizona, United States. The foregoing shall not prevent Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD from seeking injunctive relief in a court of competent jurisdiction.

Indemnity Your indemnity applies only to the following limited circumstances claims arising out of this Agreement, your use of the services, a breach of this Agreement, any breach of your representations and warranties set forth above, and/or if any content that you post using the services causes Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD to be liable to another. In these circumstances, you agree to indemnify and hold Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD, our subsidiaries and affiliates, and their officers, agents, attorneys, and employees, harmless from any loss, liability, claim, or demand, including reasonable attorney’s fees, made by you or any third party.

Void-ability The services are provided individually or as part of a package. Failure to use or download the any portion of the products or services as available and intended, including not logging into a membership account, will not void any part of this agreement nor entitle you to a refund in whole or in part.

Entire Agreement This Agreement represents the entire understanding relating to the services and prevails over any prior or contemporaneous, conflicting, or additional communications. In order to participate in certain services, you may be notified that you may be required to agree to additional terms and conditions.
You may receive a copy of this Agreement by contacting Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD.

Contact If you would like to contact Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD through our customer service department at: 480 – 991 – 5092, or by postal mail to: 13840 N Northsight Blvd #105, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD Payment Terms



If you need to cancel your appointment, we ask that you provide a 24-hour notice. Your consideration in this matter will allow us to accommodate other patients who could benefit from an appointment. If you are unable to keep your appointment and do not provide a 24-hour notice or do not show for your appointment, there is a $75 fee that will be applied.

The Hansen Clinic is implementing a new appointment reservation fee policy beginning January 1, 2023. New Patients will be asked to pay $150 towards their first visit, at the time of making their appointment. When New Patients arrive for their appointment, the fee will be applied as credit toward their scheduled appointment. This allows us to reserve your appointment time and ensure that we’re optimizing the time spent with each patient.

Clients canceling their appointment more than 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment may reschedule at no additional cost. For Monday appointments the cancellation must be called in before 4 pm on Thursday to avoid a cancellation fee. The Hansen Clinic will do its best to accommodate you if you arrive a few minutes late to your scheduled visit, although that is not always possible. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late, we may need to reschedule your visit. Missed appointments or appointments cancelled less than 24 hours in advance are subject to a $75 charge for the prevention of services that could have been provided to another patient during that time.

Payment Payment, for the services and Pharmacy items, is due in full at the time such services are rendered, or products are dispensed. All sales are final. No refunds can be given for medical services or prescriptions. Supplements may be returned only if the seal is unbroken. The Hansen Clinic accepts cash, checks, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover Cards. Returned checks are subject to a $25.00 collection fee in addition to any bank fees.

Fees for services may be pre-paid or by installment, if indicated on your service agreement or order form. If payment arrangements are made, they are done so in consideration of the customer. In any case, you agree to pay the full amount agreed upon, at the time of purchase, and not to cancel this transaction with your bank or credit card company without due cause. Actual payment terms may vary depending upon the individual product, service or membership purchased.

Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD is not responsible for any overdraft charges, over limit fees, or non-sufficient fund fees by your bank or credit card company as a result of any services purchased through Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD. If you make installment payments, missed payments may result in suspension or termination of services. If after 30 days from the date of a missed payment you have not made arrangements with Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD to make up the payment, your services will be cancelled, and no fees will be refunded.

Terms This Agreement will stay in force and effect until the end of the term indicated on your order form or agreement. Failure to pay required fees may result in Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD terminating the Agreement prior to the end of the term and discontinuing your access to services.
Your use of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD website(s) or services after your termination may extend the term of this Agreement and may cause you to incur additional fees.

We are happy to speak with you regarding any questions or concerns that you may have about Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD ‘s products or services. Please Contact Us
at: 480 – 991 – 5092, or by postal mail to: 13840 N Northsight Blvd #105, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine |
Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD

Refund Policy

Refund Policy for Downloadable/Internet-Based Products and services. Due to the method of distribution, and the inherent inability to ensure that a downloaded product or service can be fully returned, no refunds will be issued for any downloadable or internet-based products and services unless specifically noted in writing at the time of sale or on the order form.

Refund Policy for Physical Product Purchase. There are no refunds on physical products. Physical products, including prescriptions and supplements, that were received damaged will be replaced within 10 days after the original date of purchase. In order to be eligible, a replacement request must be submitted in writing (via postal mail, patient portal, email, or fax) within the 10-day replacement period. Damaged product must be returned in its entirety, to Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD. Product replacement requests will be processed within two (2) weeks of the date on which the returned product is received by Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD.

Refund Policy for Live Events If Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD cancels a live on-location event, Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD will give participants the option of having their money refunded, within 30 days of the event cancellation, or applying their payment to future events. Our refund is limited to the cost of the event actually paid and does not include incidental or related expenses incurred by the event participant. If an event is cancelled because of circumstances outside Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD ‘s control (force majeure such as natural disaster, facility shutdown, etc.), Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD will not offer cash refunds, but will apply participants’ payments to future live events. If a participant must cancel their participation in any event they have paid for, there is no guarantee of a refund. Depending upon the individual circumstances, Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD may allow the participant to apply their payment to future events but will not refund the money in cash. It is the policy of Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD to only issue refunds prior to the completion of
one-fourth of the content of a live event. Questions or concerns that may arise during a live event should immediately be directed to the event staff for resolution.

Refund Policy for Consulting, Coaching and Mentoring Due to the nature of Consulting, Coaching and Mentoring, programs and services must be agreed upon and payable in advance. Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD guarantees the quality of our work, but not the outcomes, which are most often subject to
variables outside of our direct control. There is no guarantee of outcome of success for any consulting, coaching or mentoring programs and none is implied.
The information in these programs and services is specifically designed to the individual or organization and based upon their specific needs, and circumstances. Therefore Consulting, Coaching and Mentoring programs and services are non-refundable and non-cancelable. If you wish to discontinue these services, you may do so at the conclusion of the current contract. If you need to postpone the delivery of such programs and services, you may do so.

Consulting, Coaching and Mentoring programs and services may be postponed, delayed, and rescheduled without penalty and without time limit, though the payments are due as specified, regardless of circumstances of the delay, unless otherwise specified in writing at the time of the contract.

Refund Policy for Speaking Engagements When you schedule a speaking engagement through Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD, we request that the entire speaking fee is paid in advance, in order to hold the event date on our calendar. If you must change or postpone the date of the speaking engagement, we will make every attempt to reschedule or replace the speaker, at no additional cost, subject to availability. No refunds will be given on events that are scheduled then cancelled or rescheduled. If Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD or an associated speaker becomes unavailable after scheduling an engagement, for any reason other than by Force Majeure, we will provide you with as much advance notice as possible, replace the scheduled speaker or
immediately refund our speaking fee.

We are happy to speak with you regarding any questions or concerns that you may have about Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD ‘s products or services. Please Contact Us.

Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD Affiliate Disclaimer

Through this disclosure is Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD attempt to fully comply with the US Federal Trade Commissions’ policy that requires transparency in any and
all affiliate relationships that we may have.

The pages on this website and/ or email may, at times, include affiliate links.

If you choose to click on these affiliate links and go to the resulting site, a cookie will be set in your web browser that will cause Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen,  NMD to receive a commission based upon any products you purchase through the
link. On occasion, hyperlinks on this site may be shortened, and in some cases cloaked, for ease of use and tracking purposes. Link tracking, shortening, and renaming is a common online business practice.

Our affiliate partnerships provide a legitimate way to monetize and pay for the operation of our web sites.

We seek only to provide you with links to companies that we have found trustworthy and are happy to reveal our affiliate relationships. While we are not responsible for any content on a third-party site, nor are we responsible for the delivery of any third-party products and
services, we are interested in learning of your experience on any affiliate site. If any experience with a trusted vendor does not live up to your expectations, please let us know by contacting us.

It is our policy to promote products and services that we trust, and feel will be of personal value to you. We do not accept payment for any blog posts or reviews that we may write. At times, we may post about products or services that have an affiliate relationship with. We strive to provide our honest opinions and findings related to anything
that we promote through our website(s). It is up to you, our site  visitor, to determine your own best course of action, taking into consideration your personal circumstances and individual research, prior to participating in any programs or recommendations made by or through this site.

Third Party vendors may place paid advertising on our sites in the form of banners, widgets, or hyperlinks. While we do our best to only allow trusted products and services to be advertised either through email or on our site, we are not responsible for third party claims or testimonials made on paid advertising links.

Please contact Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD if you need clarification or additional information regarding any of the Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine | Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD Terms of Service or Privacy Policies at: 480 – 991 – 5092, or by postal mail to: 13840 N Northsight Blvd #105, Scottsdale, AZ 85260.

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