Vital Protection – Emergency Preparedness Kits

by | May 2, 2024

Introducing The Hansen Clinic Vital Protection Kits

Vi-tal: absolutely necessary; essential; indispensable; urgent; imperative; required to sustain life!

Pro-tection: advanced positive action; to safe-guard life; to prevent or prepare for infection, suffering, hunger, thirst, pain, or harm; to preserve and defend life.

As the Primary Care Physician for most of you and the only Physician for many of you, I feel a great sense of responsibility to share my knowledge and expertise. I have put together these Vital Protection Emergency Preparedness Kits to ensure that your family is prepared and protected now and into the future. These kits provide the core essential nutrients required to sustain 2 people for a period of a 3 months. They are available in our online store by following the associated links.

Homeopathic Home Remedy Kit:  $295

This Homeopathic Vital Protection kit contains 30 Homeopathic Remedies. It is lightweight, easily accessible, and portable. It can be used to treat a hundred different health concerns: including remedies for the management of common Colds, Flus, bumps and bruises and more serious conditions, including Burns, Drownings, Snake bites, Rattle Snake poison, etc. It also provides remedies for severe concerns, including future pandemics, Disease X, Hemorrhagic fever (Ebola), Small pox, Botulism, Anthrax, the Plague, Malaria and more. This Home Remedy Kit comes with directions on what remedies you need for all of these worrisome conditions. This Kit is a must-have for every family!


First Aid & Emergency Medicine Kit: $299

(Rx required, please message through the patient portal or Call the office (480) 991-5092.)

A good First Aid & Emergency Medicine Kit is an essential item for a well prepared home. This kit should contain bandages, sterile gauze, alcohol wipes, and etc, as usual. Most importantly, however, the Hansen Clinic Vital Protection First Aid Kit, contains the following unique ingredients that make this Kit one-of-a-kind:

1)Doxycycline anti-biotic 100mg (50 tablets): Rx required: for the treatment of Pneumonia, UTIs, COVID, Anthrax, the Plague, Malaria, Mycoplasma Pneumonia, Enteroviral Infections and others.
2) Ivermectin 3mg (100 tablets): Rx required: Anti-Parasitc, Anti-Vital, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Cancer Support.
3) Ibuprofen 400mg-Double Strength (50 tablets): Pain and Inflammation
4) Notakehl D5: Homeopathic Penicillin: liquid, sub-lingual drops for strep throat, bacteria and viruses
5) Potassium Iodide 65mg (60 tablets): Potassium iodide for thyroid protection against radiation exposure from a Nuclear Accident or a nuclear dirty bomb.
6) Varioilinum 30C sublingual ddrops  for symptoms of Smallpox/Mpox/Chickenpox

Homeopathic Bio-Defense Kit $499

The Homeopathic Bio-Defense Kit is uniquely one-of-a-kind. It includes specific formulas against each of the six Category-A Biological Weapons: Anthrax, Botulism, Hemorrhagic Fever (Ebola) the Plague, Smallpox and Tularemia.

This Homeopathic Bio-Defense Kit is a rare commodity. Only 24 kits remain that include all of the original ingredients formulated in 2001, by Dr. Hansen. Unfortunately, several of the original ingredients that are part of these formulations are no longer available.

These bio-defense remedies can be taken in the early stage of exposure to these bio-weapons to boost an immune response against them. They can also be taken to provide relief of matched symptoms of the listed biological agents.

In selling the last of these Bio-Defense Kits, Dr. Hansen hopes to create an awareness of the threat of Biological Weapons and the knowledge of the use of homeopathic medicines to counter these and other possible bio-weapons that could become the next pandemic. Once these kits are gone, you will want to purchase Dr. Hansen’s Homeopathic Vital Protection Kit that includes 30 individual homeopathic remedies that can be used to counter hundreds of different diseases including Category-A and  other bio-weapons.

Immune Protection Kit $179.00

The key to prevention is a healthy immune system. Since it is known that 70-99% of the population recovers from even the worst epidemic, a healthy immune response is your best defense. To make certain that you keep your immune system at its peak, Dr. Hansen recommends the following:

Phytobiotic: Herbal Broad Spectrum Immune formula, Anti-biotic, Anti-viral, Anti- bacterial.

Elderberry 4 oz liquid: Alcohol-Free Anti-Viral for kids; taken early it will prevent viruses from getting into the body.

Immune Boost: Supports Lungs against Pneumonia & Immune Assaults

Vitamin D 5000iu: Support for Immune System, Heart, Cytokine Storms

Acid Heal: Support for GI, Acid indigestion, Anti-Viral Protection

Zinc Citrate (30mg/capsule): Immune-prevents viral replication inside body cells; needs Quercitin on HCQ to move inside cells.


Stress & Sleep Protection Kit $209.00

To make certain that you keep your immune system at its peak, it’s important to reduce stress and get the right amount of sleep.  These supplements help to reduce the effects of stress and promote healthy sleep habits. Dr. Hansen recommends the following:

Tranquil Clarity: Stress & Anxiety Support

GABAflora: Anxiety, Overactive Mind & Deep Rejuvenating Sleep

Opti-Tonin: Calm, Serotonin Support and Neuro-Regenerative Sleep

UpBeat Mood: Dopamine Support, Energy & Vitality, Satisfaction & Fulfillment

Vantage: Multi-Vita/Min: High-Potency/High Octane Nutritional Support

Vital Food Storage Kit $989.00

3 month supply of Freeze Dried Food for 2 persons with a 25-Year Shelf-life, when unopened. Light weight & great tasting!

The Vital Food Storage Kit contains: 

Dehydrated Real Beef & Chicken (72 Servings)
Whole Egg Powder  (72 Servings)
Beans Trio & Rice Kit (100 Servings)
Black Bean Burger Mix (33 Servings)
Veggie Packs: Freeze Dried Green Beans, Corn, Broccoli & Mashed Potatoes (184 Servings)
Fruit Packs: Dehydrated Strawberries, Blueberries, Pineapple & Banana Chips  (144 Servings)
Quick Oats (22 Servings)
Honey Powder (340 Servings)
Heirloom Seeds of Fruits & Vegetables (20 Varieties)
Sprouting Seeds + Tray



These Vital Protection Emergency Preparedness Kits ensure that you and your family are well prepared to handle almost any potential health concern.

We live in perilous times. I believe that we can and should be prepared physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for the challenges of our day. Global entities are seeking control of our freedoms.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12-13

If you are prepared, you have no need to fear. Trust in Nature and Trust in God!

“Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come …and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.”   Matthew 24:6-8

I believe that we should trust in God rather than man and have faith in God’s plan and promises. I take solace and courage in the words that Jesus Christ told his disciples about the looming challenges they were all are facing, “These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

It is time, and perhaps near the end of time, to get prepared.

Comprehensive Biological Agents Summary

I’ve conducted thorough research and compiled a Comprehensive Biological Agents Summary to enhance your readiness in case of an outbreak. It’s crucial to understand potential contagions and to know preventive treatment measures.

Vital Protection Emergency Preparedness Kits

I have created essential Vital Protection Kits to provide your and your family with the supplies  you will need to support your family through a time of crisis. I want to ensure that you have what you need on hand, in order to be prepared.

World Health and Related Updates

I have created a blog post to keep you informed about World Health Orginization  and other important updates. This post is password protected. Rember that all password protected posts require the same password: natural.

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