Female Hormone Test (Basic Profile) (Saliva or Blood)

by | May 21, 2008

Hormones Tested

  • Estrogen (Estriol)
  • Progesterone
  • Testosterone


PMS, Irregular Menstrual Cycle, Menopause, Hot flashes, Low Libido, Thinning of Skin, Weight Gain, Muscle Loss, Bone Thinning, Disturbed Sleep, Moodiness.


Hormones can affect many vital functions in your body. That’s why keeping your hormones in their proper balance is essential to the way you live. For women, Female Profile can help you monitor hormone levels.
Here’s something you should know: hormones don’t just control sexual function and activity. Hormones affect your body physically and emotionally. Estradiol, Progesterone, and Testosterone have a strong influence over women’s health.
Thus, keeping your hormones in their proper balance is essential to living well.


The Basic Female Hormone Profile measures Estriol, one of the three Estrogens found in the body. Estradiol is the major Estrogen secreted by the ovaries. The next most potent Estrogen is Estrone, which comes from Androstenedione or Estradiol. The third Estrogen, Estriol, is 1000 times weaker than Estradiol. It synthesized outside the ovary in the peripheral tissues of the body from Estrone and Estradiol.
Because Estriol is weaker it has not been found to be harmful. In fact, because it is weak it protects the body from harm by binding to the breast, uterus and ovaries and preventing the more potent estrogens from binding and thereby preventing them from causing harm. For more details about Estriol – The Safe Estrogen, click here.
The ratio of Estrogen to Progesterone throughout a woman’s cycle to a large extent determines the hormonal balance that can be responsible for the moodiness, water retention, cramping, breast tenderness, acne, musculoskeletal pains, or other symptoms associated with PMS.
With advancing age, a woman’s ovarian function declines, leading to a decline in the production of Estrogen. This decline can lead to vasomotor instability that causes hot flashes. It also causes decreased muscle mass, which is then replaced by fibrous tissue. Thinning skin and bones is due to a loss of collagen and elastin connective tissue support and elasticity. Vaginal mucous membranes also become thin and dry and breast tissue begins to sag. Supplementing natural Estrogen replacement can help stop many of these undesirable effects associated with menopause.


The appropriate level of Progesterone is critical to maintaining a healthy balance of a woman’s hormones. Too little Progesterone or too much Estrogen can lead to PMS, Endometriosis, Uterine Fibroids, Osteoporosis and even cancer of the uterus, ovaries or breasts. Progesterone increases uterine secretions and stimulates calcium deposits into bone tissue. It also helps regulate salt, control blood sugar, calms the nervous system and promotes a healthy thymus gland. Supplementing natural Progesterone can help maintain these healthful benefits.


Between a woman’s 20s and 40s the amount of Testosterone circulating in her blood declines about 50%. Symptoms such as fatigue, muscle wasting, low sex drive, decreased sexual stimulation, thinning of the bones and diminished sense of well-being can be due to a Testosterone deficiency.
To learn more about other female hormone you may want to test, click here.

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