HPV Vaccine

by | May 20, 2008

· The Gardasil Vaccine contains only 4 of the 30 types of the HPV virus known to be associated with causing cervical cancer. (Types 6, 11, 16 and 18)

· Research published in JAMA, Feb 28, 2007, revealed that only 2.3% of young girls and women that get HPV are infected with one of the two cancer causing HPV viral strains (Types 16, 18) included in the new Merck & Co. vaccine, Gardasil.

· Gardasil Vaccine has not been proven to be safe or effective beyond 4 years.

· The HPV Vaccine Gardasil contains 225mcg of Aluminum, a known neurotoxin and 50mcg of Polysorbate 80, which has been shown to cause severe anaphylactoid reactions.

· 11 deaths have been linked to the vaccine since it has been released for public use.

Judicial Watch, a public interest group that investigates questionable government, legal and judicial actions, obtained documents from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration under the Freedom of Information Act that has revealed more than 10,000 adverse reactions including 29 deaths linked to the Gardasil vaccine. The following is a sample of the information revealed by Judicial Watch.org.

  1. “Information has been received … concerning a 17 year old female who in June 2007 … was vaccinated with a first dose of Gardasil … During the evening of the same day, the patient was found unconscious (lifeless) by the mother. Resuscitation was performed by the emergency physician but was unsuccessful. The patient subsequently died.”
  2. “Information has been received … concerning a 12 year old female with a history of aortic and mitral valve insufficiency … who on 01-MAR-2007 was vaccinated IM into the left arm with a first does of Gardasil … On 01-MAR-2007 the patient presented to the ED with ventricular tachycardia and died.”
  3. “Initial and follow-up information has been received from a physician concerning an ‘otherwise healthy’ 13 year old female who was vaccinated with her first and second doses of Gardasil. Subsequently, the patient experienced … paralysis from the chest down, lesions of the optic nerve…At the time of the report, the patient had not covered.”

· Women need to know that the HPV Vaccine may not be safe and that there is a Natural Alternative to surgery for the treatment of HPV and cervical dysplasia.

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