Don’t Get the Flu Shot!

by | Nov 6, 2010

Every syringe taken from a multi-dose vial of the inject-able Flu Vaccines contains 12.5 to 25 micrograms of Mercury, a know neurotoxin that can destroy nerve fibers in the brain similar to the pattern seen in autistic children.
Additionally, each 0.5-mL dose also contains Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), used as adjuvant that boosts the immune reaction, but it has been linked to miscarriage and infertility.
Unfortunately, no clinical trials are conducted on these vaccines to prove they are safe before they are injected into humans and  “No controlled trials demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination” are performed, according to drug manufacturers own reporting.
To read more, read Dr. Hansen’s article:” Vaccines Proven Toxic, Not Effective.”

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