Natural Treatment for Stress, Anxiety and Depression

by | Sep 11, 2008

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To help stop the symptoms of stress fast Dr. Hansen formulated TRANQUIL CLARITY™ for his stressed out patients. It is a unique, herbal formula designed to help provide nutritional support for the mental and physical effects of stress. The ingredients in Tranquil Clarity™ have been shown to help calm the senses, increase mental acuity, stabilize mood, enhance physical stamina, and reduce physical and mental fatigue.

For more information about Tranquil Clarity, click here.

Ingredients found in Dr. Hansen’s Tranquil Clarity – Stress Relief Formula

Kava Kava (Piper methysticum)
Kava Kava has been shown to help relieve stress and anxiety while increasing alertness and memory. In a double-blind clinical trial, individuals taking a Kava extract for anxiety showed a significant reduction in symptoms, including nervousness, heart palpitations, chest pains, headache, dizziness, and feelings of upset stomach, without any reported side-effects. In women with menopause related symptoms, Kava was shown to reduce anxiety, aid sleep, improve subjective sense of well being & mood and even reduce hot flashes. Kava kava has been shown to possess muscle relaxing and pain relieving properties. It is free of side effects, non-addictive, and it does not create a “tolerance,” or lose its effectiveness over time.

Panax Ginseng
Panax Ginseng has been used in China for more than 4,000 years. It is believed by the Chinese that the root builds physical endurance, mental alertness, harmonious balance and overall well-being. Panax Ginseng has been found to improve performance and endurance in physical tasks, reduce fatigue, increase mental alertness, enhance the ability to cope with both physical and mental stress, promote the secretion of endorphins and enkephalins, stimulate interferon production and natural killer cell activity, and assist in the removal of toxins from the liver.

Chinese Thoroughwax ( Bupleurum Chinese)
Chinese Thoroughwax possesses a mild sedative and pain relieving effect, as well as the ability to enhance adrenal function. Bupleurum has been shown to raise the level of beta-endorphin (the “feel good” hormone associated with runner’s high) and reduce the levels of the excitatory neurohormones dopamine and epinephrine, which can cause anxiety when too high. Bupleurum also increases the functional ability of the adrenal glands to respond to stress, possesses significant anti-inflammatory action, lowers cholesterol and improves liver function.

Herbs for Stress with Depression

To help balance the brain neurochemicals that enhance mood and energy Dr. Hansen formulated OPTIMUM VITALITY for his patients.  The ingredients in this herbal combination have been shown to increase mental alertness, enhance mood, reduce fatigue, and enhance the ability to cope with physical and mental stress.

For more information about Optimum Vitality, click here.

Ingredients in Dr. Hansen’s Optimum Vitality – Mood and Energy Formula

Hypericum perforatum ( St. John’s Wort) has been shown in over 25 double-blind studies to provide effective anti-depressant activity. St. John’s Wort has been shown to inhibit the re-uptake of Serotonin similar in fashion to the drugs Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft, but without the side effects.

St. John’s Wort standardized extract has also shown the ability to reduce interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels, that are thought to activate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, leading to depression. While antidepressant drugs often interfere with REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and reduce sleep quality, St. John’s Wort actually improves sleep quality and sense of well being.

Ginkgo biloba is known for its ability to improve blood flow to the brain and extremities. It has been shown to lower Norepinephrine and Dopamine levels and to raise Serotonin and Cortisol levels to normal levels. Ginkgo has also been shown to increase the number of Serotonin receptor binding sites in the brain, normalize the brain’s acetylcholine receptors and increase cholinergic transmission in the brain. It is known to produce significant improvements in mental alertness and enhance mood.

Panax Ginseng has been shown to improve performance and endurance in physical tasks, reduce fatigue, increase mental alertness, enhance the ability to cope with both physical and mental stress, promote the secretion of endorphins and enkephalins, stimulate interferon production and natural killer cell activity, and assist in the removal of toxins from the liver.

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