BioEnergy Therapy – ARP Wave

by | Aug 23, 2014

ARP stands for Accelerated Recovery Performance. The ARP Rx100 is an advanced BioEnergy Balancing device that possesses specific characteristics that are not found in any other neuromuscular electro-stim therapy, including the most modern interferential, sine-wave, microcurrent, galvanic, Russian stim, or iontophoresis therapeutic devices. The ARP Rx100 is a Class II Medical Device regulated by the FDA, which can only be prescribed by a licensed Health Care Provider.

The ARP Rx100 is FDA Approved to:

  • Increase muscular ability to absorb force and prevent muscle related injury
  • Relax muscle spasms: Reducing pain in the affected muscles
  • Increase local blood circulation: Shown to speed up healing
  • Maintain and increase range of motion of joints
  • Prevent and slow muscle atrophy: Quickly builds muscle strength
  • Promote Muscle re-education: Eliminating compensation patterns


All musculoskeletal injury is the direct result of the body’s inability to absorb force. The muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body are driven and controlled by electricity that when injured causes a type of “short-circuit.” ARPwave technology can locate the actual origin of that short-circuit (often not where you think it would be) and then rapidly repair it. By understanding and working in harmony with the body’s neuromuscular and connective tissue systems, ARPwave can help your body heal itself, naturally. ARP uses a patented bio-electrical current, simultaneously with active range-of-motion and other exercise techniques, to significantly speed up the body’s natural recuperative ability.

ARP Wave Device

The ARP Rx100 uses direct current (DC) compounded with a high frequency double exponential, patented background waveform. This background wave is harmonious with the body’s inherent electrical currents and significantly reduces skin and fatty tissue impedance allowing much deeper penetration of the direct current without the side effects of skin burning that can occur with other electrostim devices. The unique ARP waveform produces minimal inhibitory protective muscle contractions allowing active range of motion during therapy and training. This permits eccentric (lengthening) contractions to occur which are critical to optimal healing and recovery of muscle, nerve and connective tissues of the body.

If you are living with chronic pain its time for something new


Many people suffer from pain. If you have arthritis, degenerative joint disease, tendonitis, or other chronic musculoskeletal issues, chances are you’ve tried many different remedies. In most cases, however, these remedies are not able to get to the root of the problem, which is the inability of your muscles to absorb the force that enters your body. Instead, most physical therapies focus on the symptom – the joint or tissue that has been damaged.

The revolutionary approach of the ARPwave system finds the source of the weakness, where the problem is coming from, and then works at that level to reverse the problem at its source.

When the muscles of the body do not absorb force properly, it transfers to the supportive structures of the joints. This force can cause damage to the tendons, ligaments, bursa, etc. This causes the muscles to stay chronically tight and cartilage to wear away bit by bit. Eventually the damage to the cartilage adds up until you are left with a bone-on-bone.

With the ARPwave system, we can find exactly which muscles are allowing force into the joints and connective tissue in the first place. Correcting these imbalances enables us to reverse many of the most serious and chronic back and joint injuries. The first phase of the ARPwave system involves finding those offending muscles, and rapidly retraining them to keep force out of the damaged joint. Doing so will dramatically reduce pain and prevent any further damage from occurring. Once the pain is reduced, the next phase involves drawing large amounts of blood to the area. The additional blood flow gives the body its best opportunity to repair the damage that has occurred.

aerobics class in a gym

Common Conditions Treated by ARP Wave Therapy



ACL Tears

Ankle Sprains

Back Pain

Bone-on-Bone Osteoarthritis

Degenerative Disc Disease

Ligament Tears

Meniscus Tears

Multiple Sclerosis


Osgood Schlatter Disease

Plantar Fasciitis

Restless Leg Syndrome

Rotator Cuff Tears

Temperomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder

Tendonitis (Tennis Elbow)



Wave Form Compound, double exponential asymmetric with high levels of direct current. Power High power with NO surface burning or surface pain at 0 to 2.5 watts. Main Pulse 40 to 500 pulses per second. Background Frequency High-frequency carrier signal at 10,000 cycles per second. Polarity Direction of electron flow is reversible. Depth of Penetration Deepest soft tissue penetration resonates with the human system, causing the body’s natural resistance to drop out.  

ARP Wave Therapy is Uniquely Different

(Patent Number 5,109,848)

The conservative treatment of many soft tissue and joint inflammatory conditions have been a source of frustration for health care practitioners. Despite the most modern techniques and equipment in rehabilitation, the course and length of time for healing can be both long and arduous. Electrotherapy is a complex field comprised of many different types of devices with a multitude of currents, waveforms, frequencies, amplitudes, durations, phases and pulse charges. Because present models insufficiently addressed the underlying cause of the  problem, a new approach was needed.
The new approach was based on the observation that most of the basic science research documenting the positive effects of electricity with tissue and bone healing was done with direct current. Direct current was shown to produce increased mobility of reparative cells and to promote bone production in fractures. These landmark findings were made in the 1960’s, 70’s, and 80’s. The basic science was quite clear – direct current promotes dramatic effects in both tissue and bone for healing. Clinically, however, it was difficult to apply direct current for treatment without a high degree of discomfort.
During the mid 1980’s, the leading manufacturers of electrical stimulation devices began using alternating current, which could be applied with much greater ease. The scientific data on cellular response to alternating current, however, was lacking. The clinical results with devices using alternating current have been inadequate. The technology for the ARP was designed to apply the dramatic cellular effects of direct current to clinical use and strength training. To accomplish this, a high frequency, double exponential background wave was linked to the direct current. The net effect was a reduction in skin and fatty tissue impedance, allowing deeper penetration of the direct current, and decreasing pain and irritation at the electrode sites. Direct current could now be applied in ways previously not possible.  


Chronic Recovery Plan – 20 Sessions include the initial In-Balance Assessment and Comprehensive Evaluation to determine all hot spots (origin of injury), plus 20 Specific and Uniquely individualized Treatment Sessions focusing on finding and treating the true source of the pain and dysfunction.
Comprehensive Treatment Plan – $4500 ($3000 if paid in advance)

  • 10 ARP Rx100 Treatments to eliminate primary symptoms
  • 10 ARP Rx100 Strength Rehabilitation sessions to strengthen muscles and correct energy balance to prevent recurrence

Acute Injury Plan – $1750 ($1500 if paid in advance)

  • 10 ARPwave Treatments to eliminate primary symptoms


Testimonials from ARPWave Austin -Richard F., Austin, TX
I‘m no athlete, just an active 62-year-old, but a momentary misstep while running with my Golden Retrievers sent me to the ground with excruciating pain in my Achilles Tendon. The Urgent Care facility fitted me with a temporary cast and awkward crutches and sent me to the orthopedic surgeon who replaced the cast with a clumsy fracture boot and ordered an MRI. By the time the MRI was completed and read, he confirmed that I had partly torn my Achilles Tendon but had already laid down so much scar tissue that I was not a good candidate for surgery.
I was still in pain and barely able to limp around and the surgeon’s recommendation was grim – a custom-made cast to hold my foot in a toes-down position for six months to a year while the tendon healed, then another six months of physical therapy to teach my foot how to walk again.
Fortunately, a friend in Florida told me about Accelerated Recovery Performance (ARP) and, just as fortunately, I found ARPWave in Austin, Texas. After the first four treatments at ARPWave, the swelling and tenderness were gone. At about 12 days I was walking without even a cane. By the third week I jogged a little bit and after the full cycle of treatments I am walking and moving without pain.
Considering the surgeon’s prognosis, I feel that ARPWave literally gave me back the active use of a year of my life.
-Shankar G., Consultant, Austin, TX
In the three years since I played Division 1 tennis, my shoulders had constantly bothered me from two rotator cuff injuries and I had generally gotten out of shape. Brad and Garrett have gotten me feeling healthy and brought my fitness back to where it was in my prime. My shoulders feel great, and I’m able to do things physically that I couldn’t even do when I was training as a college athlete. I have been thrilled with my experience and would recommend ARPwave Austin to anyone who needs to recover from an injury or train for performance in sports and in life!
-Evgueni Saidachev, Professional Hockey Player
I broke my leg during this season, and had been out for several months including 3 months of rehab. After going through my rehab program, I started skating again and still didn’t feel the same as I did before the injury. I was looking for something different and decided to come to ARPwave Austin.
In 10 sessions on the ARP I felt a lot better and saw immediate improvement on the ice in terms of strength and endurance. The muscle mass and mobility on my injured leg also increased dramatically. I believe that I accomplished more in those first 10 ARP sessions than I had in the previous 3 months of rehab.
I decided to stick with the system for my training as well, so I stayed and worked out on the Ultrafit program for the rest of the summer. During that time I made significant gains in my speed, acceleration, strength, and power. Most importantly, that has translated to the ice. Even with the screws still in my leg, I am skating better than I did before the injury.
-Arron Oberholser, PGA Tour Player
In January of 2007 I had a severe back problem and could barely get out of bed let alone swing a golf club. My wife had been working with the ARPwave for 2 years and had never had a back issue with her career so I decided to give it a try. I was amazed. After 10 sessions of therapy (over the course of 3 days) I was swinging a golf club at full speed, and a week later was off to the next PGA Tour stop. I have been using the ARP Therapy and Training protocols ever since. I have never been stronger.
-Dawn M., Runner, Austin, TX
As an amateur athlete for most of my life, my body has been put through the ringer. In the past 2 years, I have been running with continuous back pain even after trying physical therapy unsuccessfully. After only 4 treatments with ARPwave Austin, I was able to run pain free and I feel better than I have in many years. ARPwave has literally changed my life!!!
-Sarah Kennedy-Mele, Program Director, The Hills Fitness Center, Austin, TX
A year and a half ago I shattered my right lower leg in a motorcycle wreck, and still have a titanium rod in my leg, with 3 screws in the ankle and another up by the knee. I was non weight bearing for 3 months and 50% weight bearing for another 6 weeks. During this time on crutches I also lost a lot of mobility in my left shoulder.
After this time I did physical therapy in order to walk again and hyperbaric oxygen to really feel like I wasn’t going to get re-injured, but still could never walk fast enough to ever get my heart rate up to cardio speed and never re-gained full use of my shoulder.
I heard about ARPwave Austin and with 10 sessions I finally have a spring in my step! I saw a very large increase in the mobility of my injured ankle and am now able to get my heart rate up by walking 3 miles at a very fast clip, which I never thought I’d be able to do again. I also have full range of motion in my shoulder for the first time since spending all those months on crutches.
-Katie H., Austin, TX
After hurting my lower back about 7 years ago and my knee about a year ago, I have been to many doctors and physical therapists. Nothing seemed to help very much. I am amazed at the progress I have made in just a short period of time with the ARP. I look forward to my treatments because I feel great afterwards and see progress with every session. Brad and Garrett are awesome and I could not be happier with my experience. I recommend ARP treatments for anyone trying to recover from an injury.
-Julie S., Austin, TX
I sprained my ankle one night and had a trip to Vegas in less than five days. I was desperate for help but had little time to devote to doctors, specialists, etc. I talked to the guys at ARPwave Austin and they recommended I try a treatment, so I did. My ankle felt better after just ONE treatment! I continued treatment right up until my trip to Vegas, and by the time I reached Vegas I was wearing four-inch heels! Four inch heels in four days, and only because of the ARP!
-Allison U., Austin, TX
I went in with lower back pains that were so excruciating that I couldn’t even bend over to wash my face. A few treatments later all the pain in my lower back was gone. I highly recommend going to see the guys at ARPwave Austin!
-Bill P., Austin, TX
When I went to ARP Wave, I was in constant pain from a herniated disc in my lower back. I also had tremendous leg pain as a side effect of the back issues. I had already tried physical therapy and had only gotten limited results. Additionally, the pain returned as soon as my therapy sessions were over. At ARP Wave, Brad and Garrett were extremely knowledgeable and effective in diagnosing the causes of my pain and establishing a plan to eliminate the pain. After only two weeks of therapy, the leg pain was completely gone, and my lower back pain had nearly been eliminated. I have continued to train with them in their UltraFit training program, and I’ve seen tremendous results without any of the pain returning. This is the most effective rehabilitation and maintenance program I’ve ever done, and I would recommend it to everyone.
-Lisa H., Austin, TX
I can’t explain it – you have to give it a try. Today! If you are in pain, you need to give ArpWave a call. I have a spot in my back that notoriously knots up – whenever I am really stressed, it seizes and I’m in a bunch of pain. I’ve tried massage (even a regimen of weekly massages) to alleviate the pain, and it has helped to varying degrees, but usually it was just time that took the pain completely away. Well, last fall I tried to lift a heavy shelf the wrong way and that spot seized up worse than it ever had before. I was literally crippled and in tears with pain, and with a baby that didn’t understand why I couldn’t lift him out of his crib I needed some relief fast.
Luckily, I had met Brad & Garrett and after a quick phone call, they were able to fit me into their schedule for later that morning. I went from not being able to move, to fairly functional in 1 treatment – and 4 days and 4 treatments later, I was back to 100%. I can’t even begin to explain how that little machine works (though Garrett and Brad certainly can), but the results are awesome and worth every penny. Seriously, if you are in pain, you MUST give them a call.
-Briana F., Austin, TX
For three months a pulled hamstring prevented me from performing optimally in my bikram yoga classes. Where I could typically bring my head all the way down to my knee for several positions, I was in dire pain & feeling stagnant in my pursuit to master each pose. After just one treatment with the ARP, I was able to bring my head all the way down to my knee again without the slightest sign of discomfort!! I am ecstatic about the healing that took place so quickly and have become a true believer and advocate for Arpwave Austin.
Since the time of my recovery, I have started training with Garrett and have noticed significant muscle & mental strength in a very such a short amount of time. The workout helps me tremendously by instantly getting rid of headaches and alleviating stress, and has become an essential foundation for a strong yoga practice. Asanas (poses) were meant to be held for extended periods of time to discover ultimately what it means and feels like to be truly alive. That is precisely what we do when performing iso extreme exercises. Garrett has taught me to use my muscles appropriately and most efficiently. Learning this helps me to be more aware of my body and whether or not I am in balance throughout the entire day- everyday. Thanks Garrett!! You are the best!
-Ian Drummond, Professional Hockey Player
As a professional ice hockey player, I’ve been around a gym for most of my life. But after Garrett and Brad at ARPwave Austin taught me how the human body has evolved to function, I will never train the same way again. The program they had me do was called Evosport/Ultrafit and its philosophy was “the smallest most powerful athlete wins”. If you think about that, I think it says a lot. Everything they had me do was based on the goal of developing explosive starting power and acceleration. To achieve this they had me do something called an isoextreme which is one of the most demanding and, in the end, satisfying exercises I have ever practiced (it involves actively holding a position with maximum effort for up to 5 minutes or until exhaustion). Other exercises included what they called “altitude drops” and “rebounds” in which they would have me catch and repel falling loads.
They explained to me that in order to develop power (not just strength) I had to train my body to turn muscles on and off as quickly as possible, and that there is no better way to do this than to redirect the momentum of free-falling loads. At the the end of my training at ARPwave Austin (Summer, 4 months) I can say without a doubt that I am a faster, more powerful, and more well-prepared athlete than I have ever been. If feeling powerful wasn’t enough, Garrett and Brad also tested me to make sure I was improving. Lastly, while getting bigger wasn’t necessarily the goal, I also gained 9 pounds as a by-product of training to be explosive. If you’re looking to train yourself to become the best athlete you can be physically and intellectually, Garrett and Brad can help you get there. If you want to train your body to perform at its evolved potential, ARPwave Austin is for you.
-Mary R., San Antonio, TX
My daughter Whitney completely tore her ACL on April 12th during softball practice. While an injury like this is never good news, it was made worse by the fact that given the minimum six-month recovery time, she would miss the summer and fall college recruitment seasons. I quickly went online to look for “ways to shorten recovery time for an ACL injury.” I found several references to ARPwave and immediately called to get more information. I was told that using the ARPwave therapy, Whitney’s knee could be healed in time for the fall recruitment season. As is common practice today, the orthopedic surgeon wanted all the swelling to go down and for Whitney to regain full range of motion prior to operating. He said this could take anywhere from two to six weeks. We went to ARPwave Austin and started treatment right away. Two weeks later, Whitney was cleared for surgery. She was operated on on May 5th. Her doctor reconstructed her ACL with a graft from her hamstring and also “cleaned up” slight tears to her meniscus. Whitney started rehab at the ARPwave Austin facility 3 days post-surgery. Two months to the day after her surgery, Whitney was taking her first cuts in our batting cage. This made it possible for her to keep up her hitting skills while she finished her rehabilitation. She played in her team’s first softball game in September, about four months and one week post-surgery, with full clearance from her orthopedic surgeon. During her first game back, Whitney slid into second base and popped right back up, without a second thought (although I must say it took my breath away!). She also hit a 3-run homer out of the park. On Monday after her first tournament back, Whitney got an email from a D-1 school saying they wanted her to come for a visit. Not bad for her first week back!
Everything that Garrett and Brad promised, they delivered on. While the rehab process was physically grueling, they constantly challenged Whitney to put her mind, body and spirit into every session. She always left with a great sense of accomplishment and renewed spirit for the hard work ahead. Despite the pain, I can honestly say it was a great experience and I think Whitney has come back from her injury physically and emotionally stronger than she was before. Her orthopedic surgeon, who was more than skeptical when we initially told him about ARPwave, even said he had never seen anything like it. I can’t say enough good things about Garrett and Brad and their ARPwave facility. They are conscientious, kind, funny and love what they do. They are also very patient when it comes to explaining the science behind their techniques, which are typically 180 degrees different than what is currently prescribed by the medical community and their rehabilitation therapists. I believe that this technology is leading edge and the techniques that the ARPwave team employs will revolutionize the way rehabilitation medicine is practiced. In the meantime, until the medical community catches up, if you are an open-minded serious athlete or a weekend warrior who is injured and are willing to do whatever it takes to get back to the game faster than traditional medicine says is possible, I would definitely give them a call. You won’t be disappointed. The results are truly amazing.

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