
by | Apr 17, 2008

Meso BodySculpting is targeted fat reduction where you need it the most. For those who find liposuction “too much,” Mesotherapy is the natural alternative. It provides a safe and effective non-surgical way to dissolve fat and reshape your body to look the way you’ve always wanted. Mesotherapy can reshape and smooth out problem areas. If you find fat accumulating in unsightly areas, or stubborn fat that simply won’t go away no matter how little you eat or how much you work out, Mesotherapy may be the answer for you.

Mesotherapy can target specific areas of fat by injecting a blend of medicines and natural agents directly into a specific area of the body. The Mesotherapy injections block the fat storing receptors and stimulate the fat burning receptors in the body. The formerly stubborn fat dissolves and is carried into the muscle, where it’s used for energy, or into the liver where it is emulsified by bile and excreted with body waste.

Mesotherapy offers a specific targeted therapy to dissolve those stubborn fat deposits that you have tried in vain to get rid of for years. Now you can inject them with natural enzymes and nutritional agents that safely release and dissolve your fat stores, while simultaneously turning up fat burning and turning down fat storing.


Bra-bulge After Bra-bulge Before
Abdomen after lipodissolve Abdomen before lipodissolve

20/20 followed two mesotherapy patients for 6-12 weeks to see how Mesotherapy worked for them.

One patient, Josselyne Herman-Saccio, is a 35-year-old mother of two who has a full-time job. She looks fit now, but, she says she used to look much better before she had kids. Now, she says, she can’t find time to work out. To see the effect of the Mesotherapy alone, 20/20 asked Herman-Saccio not to exercise or change her diet.

The other patient 20/20 followed is Katie Noonan-Ewald, a 32-year-old business executive. Noonan-Ewald says she exercises regularly, but had hit a plateau and was unable to get the results she wanted. Every week she flies from her home in Detroit to New York, where she gets her Mesotherapy injections.

After six weeks, we checked in with Herman-Saccio — who changed neither her eating nor her exercise habits. She was very happy with the results.

“I’ve lost over four and a half inches in my waist,” she said, “three or four inches in my hips … I’m wearing clothes that I haven’t worn in four years.”

Noonan-Ewald’s results were even more dramatic. We visited her after she had undergone 12 weeks of Mesotherapy. She had lost 14 inches from her waist, and another 12 inches from her hips, legs, and saddlebag area, according to her doctor’s records.

If you have tried diets and exercise and still can’t get rid of the bra bulge, or the love handles, the hip haunches, or the extra tummy, Meso BodySculpting may be just the thing for you.

Click here to read an article from the Arizona Republic on this procedure.

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