Call to Raise Vitamin D Daily Values

by | Nov 6, 2020

Originally Posted at: The Alliance for Natural Health

An international alliance of researchers and doctors are calling on governments to increase the recommended daily intake of vitamin D from 400 to 4000 IU in a bid to reduce the severity of disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 and reduce hospitalizations. In a recent webinar, Dr Gareth Davies along with other experts on vitamin D demonstrated the risk of catching any coronavirus is reduced by nearly half if your blood level of vitamin D is replete. Following Matt Hancock’s recent dismissal of the importance of vitamin D for immune health, the UK government is set to reassess its stance over the use of vitamin D as part of its strategy to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. A new study from the University of Birmingham has found that healthcare workers who self-isolated after developing coronavirus symptoms were more likely to be deficient in vitamin D. Those from Black, Asian or ethnic minority backgrounds were found to be at much higher risk.

Clearly there is solid scientific evidence that supports the use of a variety of nutrients to help prevent or treat COVID. But because these nutrients aren’t FDA-approved, they can’t claim to prevent or treat any disease. This is a racket designed to protect big pharmaceutical companies from competition, and it has to stop.

If we have any hope of improving healthcare in this country, this arrangement needs to change.

Action Alert! Sign our petition that seeks to reform a healthcare system that blocks access to natural treatments that generally cannot go through FDA approval. Please send your message immediately.

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