by Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD | Apr 24, 2023 | Hormones, Supplements
DHEA is perhaps the hormone that people know the least about. It is a tremendously important Adrenal hormone that has a host of powerful benefits that you do not want to be without. DHEA is produced mostly by the Adrenal glands and a very small quantity from either...
by Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD | Aug 16, 2022 | Health Condition, Hormones
The Key to Optimal Health is Balance Deficiency of Estriol Thinning of the skin, decreased collagen Osteoporosis Wrinkles around the eyes and mouth Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, droopy breasts Disturbed/Unrefreshing sleep Depression, irritability Constant tiredness...
by Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD | May 5, 2020 | Fitness and Health, Health Condition, Hormones
“Americans have grown increasingly anxious as they’ve seen this global pandemic upend their lives within a very short time, and that’s understandable,” says Glen Stettin, MD, Express Scripts senior vice president. The fear of the unknown is...
by Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD | Oct 22, 2018 | Fitness and Health, Hormones, Therapy, Top Articles
The Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine is leading the way in providing the latest and most advanced therapies in Natural and Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Hansen specializes in Bio-Identical Hormones and Cellular Therapy, with the goal of providing your body with the...
by Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD | Jun 3, 2017 | Health Products, Hormones, Medication, Women's Health
Overview Growth Hormone (GH ) is one of many endocrine hormones, like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, Melatonin and DHEA, that all decline in production as we age. Hormones are tiny chemical messengers continuously secreted in the bloodstream in order to...
by Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD | Mar 27, 2017 | Food and Nutrition, Health Condition, Hormones, Weight Loss, Women's Health
This is the story of my patient Patty. When she first came to see me she was 53 and had gained 20 lbs over the previous two years without eating any more or exercising any less. Besides the weight gain, she was also suffering from other significant menopausal...