by Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD | Feb 7, 2013 | Food and Nutrition, Health Condition, Hormones, Patient Story
This is the story of my patient who I will call Jan. When she came to see me she was 56 years old and had been experiencing menopause symptoms for about 6 years. She was having 5-6 hot flashes every day and 2-3 hot flashes every night with sweating that soaked her...
by Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD | Nov 6, 2012 | Food and Nutrition, Health Condition, Health Products, Hormones, Medical Tests, Patient Story, Women's Health
This is the story of my patient Genny. When she first came to see me she was 54 years old and had been experiencing “Menopause” symptoms for several years. She was suffering from hot flashes, sleeplessness, anxiety, depression, low libido, fatigue, weight...
by Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD | Nov 10, 2011 | Health Condition, Hormones, Patient Story, Women's Health
This is the story of my patient Danielle. When she first came to see me she was 51years old and had been experiencing “Peri-Menopause.” This is the period of hormonal chaos that occurs before a woman’s monthly periods finally stop. It usually occurs between the ages...
by Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD | Jun 14, 2010 | Health Condition, Patient Story
Patient Stories for Stress Patient Stories for Stress
by Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD | Jun 14, 2010 | Health Condition, Patient Story
Patient Stories for Sleep Patient Stories for Sleep
by Dr. Clark Hansen, NMD | Jun 14, 2010 | Health Condition, Patient Story
Patient Stories for Mind and Memory Patient Stories for Mind and Memory