
by | Apr 17, 2008

Remember when you didn't have any cellulite?Mesotherapy is the latest breakthrough in treating cellulite. Why? Because it works! Cellulite is a skin condition affecting over 90% of most post-pubescent women. Even those with a slim figure often complain about cellulite’s unattractive, lumpy and dimpled appearance. Cellulite commonly appears on the hips, buttocks and legs. It is often thought of as merely a disease of vanity, but in reality represents a disorder of the collagen meshwork that holds the fat in place.
In youth, fat cells are arranged in chambers surrounded by a meshwork of collagen and elastin fibers that gives skin its supple elasticity. As we age the production of these fibers decreases while the oxidative damage to them increases. Additionally, estrogen in women stimulates increasing numbers of fat storing receptors in the hips and thighs. This results in loss of supple elasticity and irregular, lumpy fat deposits that we call Cellulite.
Mesotherapy treatments for cellulite are comprised of multiple injections of natural enzymes that breakdown the hardened collagen and elastin fibers that are distorting the skin’s contours, a nutritional agent that dissolves the fat, and an herb that blocks the fat storing receptors and turns on the fat burning receptors.
No other treatment for cellulite even comes close to the results that Mesotherapy produces. The Hansen Clinic is pleased to offer this breakthrough treatment.
Before & After Photos
Cellulite before & after

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