Colchicum (Meadow saffron) for Muscles and Joints

by | Nov 17, 2015

Colchicum autumnale is a beautiful small perennial plant that is native to the British Isles, Europe, the Baltic States and New Zealand. It typically flowers in the autumn after the leaves have disappeared. The seeds and bulb and to lesser extent the flowers of Colchicum contain Colchicine, which is used in the treatment of gout. The leaves are the source of another medicinal chemical known as Thiocolchicoside (TCC), which has been found to produce effective muscle relaxation, as well as analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities without any sedative side-effects. Clinical trials have demonstrated TCC to be a safe and effective muscle relaxant.
TCC is a natural sulfur containing Glycoside that produces the effective muscle relaxation. It removes or significantly reduces the contracture of Central origin: in spasticity, it decreases the passive resistance of muscle to stretch and reduces or removes residual contracture. Its myorelaxant action occurs also on the abdominal, or visceral muscles.
TCC is devoid of any harmful paralyzing effect. It provides its muscle relaxing benefits through the central nervous system and not by a paralysis of the motor plate. Biochemical research has shown that TCC has a selective activating affinity of  for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptors, as well as Glycine receptor activity. It therefore does not affect voluntary motility, causes no respiratory paralysis and avoids any risk of harm to the respiratory system. Additionally, TCC has no negative influence on the cardiovascular muscles.
In November 2004, Dr. Hansen traveled to Paris, France, to train with Dr. Jacques LeCoz, MD, where he learned to use Colchicum Thiocholchicoside in small doses as part of a combination in mesotherapy injections for multiple musculoskeletal disorders, including Spasms, Neck and Back Pain, Trigger Point Therapy, Tendonitis, TMJ, Strains and Sprains of Ligaments,  Myofacial Pain Syndromes and more.
Dr. Hansen says “The healing relief and benefits of Colchicum Thiocolchicoside accomplished via Trigger Point Injection Therapy and Mesotherapy have been nothing short of amazing.” If you are suffering from any acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain, please call to learn more and find out if this therapy is right for you.

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