March 30, 2016 – A brand new report found 67% of nearly 200 food cans from dozens of brands and retailers tested positive for the toxic chemical Bisphenol A (BPA), a hormone disrupting chemical linked to breast and prostate cancer, infertility, type-2 diabetes and ADHD.
Kroger and Campbell’s Soup are food industry leaders who have the power and a moral responsibility to get toxic chemicals like BPA out of food packaging. Kroger is the largest supermarket chain in the United States, and Campbell’s is one of the most iconic food brands, sold in 120 countries around the world.
Both companies have pledged to reduce their use of BPA in food cans, yet a new report found that most of their cans sampled still tested positive for this harmful chemical. According to the report, Buyer Beware: Toxic BPA and regrettable substitutes found in the linings of canned food, every single one of the Campbell’s Soup cans analyzed tested positive for BPA, and 62% of Kroger’s did as well! Meanwhile, some other leading brands have already eliminated BPA from their can linings.
Studies have shown this hormonally active chemical can migrate out of cans, get into the food our families eat, and make its way into our bodies, where it may be harmful to our health. BPA clearly has no place in the canned foods we buy for our families!
What is Bis-Phenol A (BPA)
BPA is a synthetic estrogen that is recognized as an endocrine-disrupting chemical because of its effects on hormone systems. Studies raised concerns that exposure to even low doses of the chemical may increase the risk of breast and prostate cancer, infertility, type-2 diabetes, obesity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The doses in question, measurable in parts per billion and even parts per trillion, are comparable to the amounts an average person can be exposed to through canned food packaging.
Data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that 93 percent of Americans5 tested have detectable levels of BPA in their urine6,7 suggesting that people are consistently exposed and re-exposed to BPA through the chemical’s presence in foods and from other sources. BPA has been detected in breast milk, amniotic fluid and umbilical cord blood, suggesting that babies are exposed to BPA as newborns and even before they are born, during critical windows of development and vulnerability.8
References: Buyer Beware (National Cancer Fund)
Please Help Ban BPA
Your health depends on it. Please tell Campbell’s Soups, Kroger Foods and others to “eliminate BPA from all food containers. You don’t want to be exposed to synthetic estrogens that put you at increased risk of getting breast cancer!”