What to Bring

Our Promise
Doctors of Naturopathic Medicine still take the Hippocratic Oath, which states, in part, “I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment and I will keep them from harm and injustice. I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asks for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect.”
As a patient of the Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine, we will serve you with compassion, understanding, integrity and honesty. We will listen to you and your body. We provide you with a comprehensive plan to enhance well-being, vitality, and prevent major chronic degenerative diseases. You will be empowered to achieve vibrant vitality, optimal health, a joyful, fulfilling life through education and personalized support.
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Our Mission
We are on a mission to stimulate, support, and enhance the inherent healing systems of your body, to empower you to reach your optimal health, happiness, and longevity. Our goal is for you to achieve your highest physical, mental, emotional and spiritual potential.

Our Philosophy
Hippocrates, known as the Father of Medicine, taught that an imbalance in the body’s homeostatic and defense mechanisms causes illness. According to him, health is the natural state of the human organism. True healing comes through creating or restoring physical, biochemical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance. Naturopathic Physicians still follow these guiding principles:
- First, do not harm
- Treat the whole person
- Find the underlying cause of the disease
- Access the healing power of nature
- Teach patients how to attain and maintain optimal health

Our Purpose
The purpose and objectives of the Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine are:
- Prevention of illness, by assisting and strengthening the body’s inherent abilities and natural defenses to resist and overcome disease
- Diagnose the weaknesses and imbalances, of all twelve major body systems in order to find the underlying causes of each patient’s illnesses
- Comprehensive, individualized, and holistic healthcare that treats each patient as a unique, integrated whole
- Treatment of each patient with safe, effective, natural medicines and therapies that work in harmony with the body to gently yet powerfully stimulate or restore optimal health and well-being.
- To educate and assist each patient to attain his or her ultimate potential and optimal level of physical, mental, and emotional health.