Is there a Cure for HPV?

by | Mar 8, 2010

Dr. Hansen discusses the Natural Non-Surgical Treatment of HPV
The official position of the CDC is, “There is no treatment for the virus itself, but there are treatments for the diseases that HPV can cause.”
However, Dr. Hansen says that there is a natural, non-surgical treatment for Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) that appears to totally erradicate the virus and the precancerous cervical cells it causes in 70-90 percent of the patients treated (see Journal of Naturopathic Medicine study at bottom of page).
The usual treatments offered to a woman today include freezing, burning or cutting off the end of a woman’s cervix to get rid of precancerous cells on the cervix.
These surgical treatments include Cryotherapy, Laser Surgery, or LEEP procedures. Each procedure cuts off approximately 1/4 inch of the neck of the uterus.
These are all amputations of the end of a woman’s cervix.
Most doctors do not know of any other way to treat the virus and can only hope that he or she cuts off enough of the cervix to get all of the virus, but leave enough so that if the woman wants later to have a baby, there will be enough cervix left to hold the baby in for entire pregnancy.
Unfortunately, all of these procedures frequently fail and the virus often comes back within six months prompting more surgery or eventually a total hysterectomy.
Dr. Hansen’s patients who have gone to him for HPV treatments at the Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine, in Scottsdale, Arizona, will tell you that they are totally thrilled with the natural, non-surgical treatment that he uses because it works and it’s gentle. HPV DNA tests show that Dr. Hansen’s natural, non-surgical HPV treatment completely eliminates all traces of the Human Papilloma Virus and repeat PAP Smears show that it turns precancerous cervical cells back to normal within three months.
Dr. Hansen says, “Women deserve to know that there is a safe and effective natural alternative to surgery for HPV.”
Dr. Hansen’s Rx for Cervical Dysplasia and HPV
Dr. Hansen recommends that all women over the age of 21 get an annual HPV Test along with a Pap Smear. If you are younger than 21, but have been sexually active for 3 or more years, you should also get an HPV Test along with a Pap Smear annually.
If either of these tests are positive you can be treated naturally with nutritional and herbal supplements that stimulate the body to eradicate the HPV Virus and restore the cervical cells back to normal within 3 months.
Sanguinaria flower used to treat HPV and Cervical DysplasiaThe Naturopathic treatment for Cervical Dysplasia and HPV involves testing and balancing Progesterone, which activates Tumor Suppressor Protein, supplementation of nutritional immune support and twice weekly in office treatments for 6 weeks, which includes the use of a liquid extract of Sanguinaria root and zinc chloride applied directly to the cervix for 1 minute via a speculum. This topical combination causes a sloughing off of the abnormal cells and the killing of the virus without shortening or harming the cervix. Sanguinaria root extract is one of a very few herbs that can be toxic if swallowed. It is used by naturopathic physicians topically with prudence and care to avoid excessive destruction of the surrounding cells. It is not relied upon to treat pre-cancerous cells or tumors elsewhere in the body.                                         Sanguinaria flowers
In addition to the topical in office application, the patient also takes a combination of nutritional, herbal and homeopathic supplements that enhance the immune system and give the body the essential building blocks that it needs to kill the virus and heal the abnormal cells.
The Healing Power of Nature – Vis medicatrix naturae
Naturopathic physicians understand that it is nature that is the real healer – not doctors, drugs or surgery. Nature cures through the body’s inherent healing mechanisms. When supported it can maintain and restore phenomenal health. Naturopathic physicians seek to support and enhance these natural healing systems by using medicines and techniques that work in harmony with body and are free of harmful side-effects.
You do NOT need Surgery to get rid of HPV
For more information about testing and treating HPV or Cervical Dysplasia, or other medical conditions, please call the Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine at 480-991-5092, or visit us at the Hansen Clinic, in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Related HPV articles
HPV Patient Files – Natural Success
> HPV vaccine
>HPV Testing
> HPV Key Facts

Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, study of natural escharotic treatment of Cervical Dysplasia using Sanguinaria root and Zinc Chloride topical application, etc.

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