Man-made Chemicals Causing Hormone Disruption

by | Mar 2, 2013

GENEVA, Feb 19, 2013 (Reuters) – Man-made chemicals in everyday products are likely to be at least the partial cause of a global surge in birth deformities, hormonal cancers, and psychiatric diseases, a U.N.-sponsored research team reported on Tuesday.

These substances, dubbed Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs), could also be linked to a decline in the human male sperm count and female fertility, PMS, Endometriosis, Uterine Fibroids, hot flashes and an increase in breast, uterine and ovarian cancers.

I’ve written and spoken out about this subject frequently over the past 5 years.  If you have wondered why it seems like you and everyone you know is having significant hormone issues this is the reason why. Watch this video to learn what you can do about it.

The international group, academic experts working under the umbrella of the United Nations environmental and health agencies UNEP and WHO, issued their recent findings in a paper updating a 2002 study on the potential dangers of synthetic chemicals. Declaring “a global threat that needs to be resolved,” the team said humans and animals across the planet were probably exposed to hundreds of these often little-studied or understood compounds at any one time.

“We live in a world in which man-made chemicals have become part of everyday life,” said their 28-page report, “State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, 2012,” issued as a policy guide for governments. EDCs include phthalates long used in making plastics soft and flexible. Products made from them include toys, children’s dummies, perfumes and pharmaceuticals, as well as cosmetics like deodorants that are absorbed into the body.

Another is Bisphenol A, or BPA, which is used to harden plastics and is found in food and beverage containers, including some babies’ bottles and the coating of food cans.

Dr. Hansen recommends that all women past puberty should have their hormones tested regularly to look for imbalances, especially if they have any symptoms of PMS, irregular cycles, infertility, Endometriosis, Uterine Fibroids, Ovarian cysts, Fibro Cystic Breast Disease, hot flashes, etc. These are all warning signs of hormonal imbalances that can be corrected by the correct prescription of Bio-Identical Hormones.

If you’re not feeling like yourself these days, consider having your hormones tested. We can help you get back to feeling like your old self again!

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