
by | Feb 24, 2010

Mesotherapy is the practice of injecting small amounts of vitamins and minerals, as well as homeopathic and /or conventional medicines into the mesoderm or middle layer of skin to deliver healing or corrective treatment to a specific area of the body.
Dr. Hansen received his training in Paris from Dr. Jacques LeCoz, M.D., the world’s leading authority on Mesotherapy, which was pioneered in France in 1952, by Dr. Michel Pistor. Dr. LeCoz studied with Dr. Pistor and is now training other physicians to provide this unique therapy their patients.
Mesotherapy is a medical specialty that is used to treat a wide range of disorders, including arthritis, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, migraines, TMJ, anxiety and tension, digestive and circulatory disorders, as well as cellulite, stubborn fat accumulation, and the aging of the skin and connective tissue.
For More Information about specific Mesotherapy Treatments, click on the links below:

1. Musculoskeletal Injuries

2. Cellulite

3. BodySculpting

4. General Medicine

Mesotherapy stimulates the mesodermal or middle layer of the skin. The mesoderm forms the connective tissue of the body, including the collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, the fatty tissues that surround our organs, as well as the ligaments, tendons, muscles and bones.

This is why the treatment of this important layer can restore integrity to the connective tissue, circulation and lymphatic drainage, resolving pain syndromes, reducing cellulite and fat, helping to reshape your appearance and rejuvenate the skin, tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints.
Mesotherapy Benefits Include:

· Anti-Inflammatory Action

· Analgesic (Treatment of Pain)

· Targeted Lipolysis (fat burning)

· Decreased lipogenesis (fat production)

· Vasodilation (Increased blood flow)

· Improved lymphatic drainage

· Removal of fibrous tissue

· Nutritional Support

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