Natural Alternatives for PMS, HPV and Menopause

by | May 20, 2008

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Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Many women are surprised to learn that PMS moodiness and painful menstrual periods are not normal. An imbalance of the Estrogen to Progesterone level can cause PMS and cramps as well as Migraine Headaches, Irregular Periods, Heavy Menstrual Bleeding, Acne, Ovarian Cysts, Uterine Fibroids, Infertility, Osteoporosis and Cancer. At the Hansen Clinic of Natural Medicine we test a woman’s hormones to determine the cause of the hormonal imbalance. We then prescribe nutritional, herbal and homeopathic medicines based on the individual findings of each patient’s symptoms and lab results.

Women are thrilled to discover how good they can feel when their hormones get balanced and all their symptoms go away. If you or your daughters are suffering from PMS or any of the other estrogen related disorders listed above you owe it to yourself and your daughters to get tested so you can balance out your hormones. You will be surprised how good “healthy” feels.

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

HPV is a sexually transmitted virus that can cause damage to the cervix, genital warts and cervical cancer. More than 1 out of 4 women in the United States, ages 14 to 59, have been infected with genital HPV. As many as 20-40 million Americans have HPV currently, with 6.2 million new cases occurring every year. This sexually transmitted virus will cause invasive cancer of the cervix in an estimated 11,500 women and kill 3,670 in the U.S. this year alone.

Conventional Medicine knows of no cure for HPV. Treatments include Cryotherapy, Laser Surgery, or LEEP procedures. Medical Doctors are trained to treat this disease only by freezing or burning off the end of the cervix. Each procedure is an amputation of approximately ¼ inch of the neck of the uterus. The doctor can only hope he cuts off enough of the cervix to get all of the virus, but leave enough so that if the woman wants to have a baby, there is enough cervix left to hold the baby in for entire pregnancy. Unfortunately, all of these procedures frequently fail and the virus often comes back within six months prompting more amputations or eventually a total hysterectomy.

The good news is that there is a natural alternative. Dr. Hansen, has been successfully treating HPV and abnormal PAPs for 20 years with a natural treatment that totally eradicates the virus, without invasive surgery and without leaving any trace of HPV DNA to come back.

For HPV Key Facts, click here.

For HPV Patient Success Stories, click here.

For HPV Testing information, click here.

For HPV Vaccine information, click here.


Menopause means the cessation of menses, but often brings in its wake the start of other equally aggravating symptoms including hot flashes, sweating, sleeplessness, thinning of the skin, thinning of the bones, changes in mood, lowered energy level, vaginal dryness, and decreased sexual desire. Many women feel that they have lost control of their own bodies. Nature intended for the menses to stop, but the onslaught of other symptoms is NOT normal.

Millions upon millions of women have taken synthetic hormone replacement therapy to stop the symptoms of menopause. Recently, however, the National Institutes of Health abruptly halted the nation’s biggest study on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), because the study found that the use of synthetic estrogen and progestin drugs like Premarin and Prempro for more than five years increases a women’s risk of breast cancer by 26%, her risk of a heart attack by 29%, her risk of stroke by 41% and her risk of blood clots by 113%. (Source: JAMA. 2002;288:321-333).

That news prompted many women to abandon the drugs temporarily. Sales of Wyeth’s estrogen-progestin drug Prempro, the brand used in the study, went down 52 percent. Half of the 6 million women taking the drug stopped taking it. Sales of Wyeth’s estrogen only drug Premarin went down as well, but only by 15 percent. Now however, heavy advertising has helped Premarin sales go back up by 23% recently as women who are still suffering from hot flashes have forgotten about risks discovered in the abruptly halted study.

Even the so-called bio-identical hormones Estrone and Estradiol are associated with significant risk of cancer, strokes and blood clots. The only truly safe estrogen is Estriol. Known as E3, Estriol has been referred to as the forgotten estrogen. The truth is that the drug companies simply copied the wrong estrogen 70 years ago when the made their first synthetic copies of the naturally occurring estrogen in women. They copied the most potent estrogens, which meant that a small amount would go a long way. Unfortunately, because they are more potent, Estrone and Estradiol are also more prone to cause serious side-effects.

The good news is that this stormy and unpleasant course does not have to happen and women do not have to take dangerous drugs to prevent it. There are safe and effective natural medicines that you can use to eliminate the symptoms of Menopause. Life-style and dietary choices, including supplementation with specific vitamins & minerals, and foods, plus natural Estriol, Progesterone, DHEA and Testosterone can help make Menopause a joyful experience.

Testing Your Hormones

You need to test your hormone levels to know where you are. You want to make sure that you are getting enough, but not too much. Your Estriol level should be 8-10 times higher than your Estradiol levels. Once you know your hormone levels you can get or keep them in balance.

At the Hansen Clinic we measure Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone and DHEA levels. Female hormones exert a powerful influence over a woman’s health. Estrogen helps prevent thinning of the bones, thinning of the skin, vaginal dryness and other symptoms of aging. Progesterone levels affect mood, stimulate a healthy bone density and reduce the risk of cancer that could be caused by unopposed Estrogen. Testosterone helps maintain energy, libido, and muscle mass. DHEA is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland that is the precursor to Progesterone, Testosterone, or the Estrogens. Adequate DHEA levels give the body the building blocks necessary to produce these hormones. Deficiencies of DHEA indicate an adrenal weakness and appear to be inversely associated with coronary artery disease and aging. A simple sample of your saliva can tell you if your female hormones are in balance and ease you through a wonderful change of life.

Natural Hormone Alternatives

Dr. Hansen recommends natural, Bio-identical Estriol, Progesterone, DHEA and/or Testosterone depending upon individual symptoms and lab results. The appropriate individualized balance of natural hormones has been shown to eliminate hot flashes, stabilize mood, increase energy, libido and muscle mass, as well as prevent thinning of the bones, thinning of the skin, and drying of the vaginal membranes that are usually associated with menopause.

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