Politicians scheming to take away your supplements

by | May 7, 2010

A recent Pew Research Poll shows that nearly 80% of Americans don’t trust Washington and they have little faith that the massive federal bureaucracy can solve the nation’s ills. Here’s a good example.
“Of all the sneaky tactics practiced in Washington D.C., this recent action by Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) is one of the most insidious: While no one was looking, he injected amendment language into the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 4173) that would expand the powers of the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) to terrorize nutritional supplement companies by greatly expanding the power of the FTC to make its own laws that target dietary supplement companies.” (To read the entire article posted in NaturalNews, click here.)
Your help is urgently needed to halt this power grab
Please take two minutes right now to sign two online petitions to tell your Senators to vote down this deceptive action by Henry Waxman — a lifelong opponent of natural medicine who is trying to covertly inject this expansion of FTC powers into the Finance Reform Bill.
According to the Natural Solutions Foundation, Senator Waxman’s amendment gives the FTC “power that could be used to restrict truthful information about dietary supplements, by requiring expensive, “drug company” level clinical trials before vitamin companies could make claims about their products.”
The Alliance for Natural Health says, “At the present time, the FTC takes the position that supplement companies should produce results from at least two random controlled human trials to show substantial support for any advertized health claim, even claims permitted by the FDA under DSHEA, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act.”
This deceptive action is intended to put nutritional supplement companies out of business, make vitamin and herbal supplement drugs and give “big pharma” and its big money, the corner on the market.
Your help is urgently needed. I don’t send out a lot of “urgent call to action” requests, but this is one that definitely demands our collective attention. Please sign both of the online petitions below, or call, fax or email your representatives in Washington and strongly voice your opposition to any expansion of powers of the FTC over dietary supplements.
Click here to sign the Alliance for Natural Health online petition.
Click here to sign the Natural Solutions Foundations online petition.
Protect your health freedoms or you will lose them! The U.S. Congress is literally just one vote away from granting the FTC dangerous new powers to destroy the natural products industry. A vote could take place as early as this weekend.

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