Progesterone Prevents Aging in Men and Women

by | Feb 2, 2010

Both men and women produce progesterone throughout their lives. As we age, progesterone levels decrease significantly in both sexes.

A woman’s progesterone begins declining at age 35 and a man’s progesterone begins falling at age 45. The decline of progesterone is associated with mood disorders, anxiety and depression, poor sleep, osteoporosis, breast and uterine cancer, prostate cancer, as well as aging of the brain and nervous system.

To slow the aging process both men and women should test their progesterone levels regularly and take a natural progesterone supplement if their levels get too low. Progesterone is the natural counter balance to the harmful Estrogen known as Estradiol.

Too Much Estradiol and Too Little Progesterone

Estradiol is the principal estrogen found in both men and women. A small amount is necessary for optimal function. However, too much Estradiol is associated with causing cancer of the breast, uterus and prostate.

Estradiol is fed to dairy and beef cows in the U.S. to make them produce more milk and put on more weight so that they can get them to market sooner and sell for more money. Estradiol is also concentrated in milk due to modern dairy farming techniques designed to boost milk production, including feeding cows hormones and milking pregnant cows until very late in their pregnancy.

Unfortunately, the trade-off we suffer is a higher rate of Estrogen induced disease, including cancer, which is not recognized or at least not admitted by the Dairy and Beef Industry.

Environmental Xenoestrogens in Pesticides and Plastics

Xenoestrogens are synthetic chemicals in pesticides, plastics,  and even make-up. They are chemically similar enough to estrogen that they disrupt the natural hormone balance. Xenoestrogens are not biodegradable so, they are stored in our fat cells. The accumulation of Xenoestrogens have been implicated in the cause of many adverse health reactions and conditions including:  breast, prostate and testicular cancer, obesity, infertility, endometriosis, early onset puberty, premature ovarian failure, miscarriages and more.

We are constantly exposed to these substances in the modern industrialized world we live in. Examples of everyday items that may include Xenoestrogens include fruits and vegetables sprayed with pesticides, plastic bottles containing foods we eat every day, nail polish, makeup, birth control pills and on and on.

Polyethylene Terepthalate (PETE), the main ingredient in plastic bottles most widely used for water, sodas, fruit juices, sports drinks, ketchup, mayonnaise, peanut butter, vinegar and just about. every other food you can think of, has been found to leach harmful estrogenic chemicals into the bottles’s contents. Known as Phthalates, these chemicals have now been linked to the disruption of both male and female hormones and may be a significant reason for the dramatic increase inPMS, uterine fibroids endometriosis, as well as many female and male cancers.

Progesterone Deficiency in Women

In women, a deficiency of Progesterone and/or an excess of Estradiol is associated with PMS, Uterine Fibroids, endometriosis and Osteoporosis, as well as Breast, Ovarian and Uterine Cancer. Progesterone is the natural counter-balance to Estradiol. Progesterone activates Tumor Suppressor Protein (p53) to suppress excessive cell growth that can lead to cancer. Progesterone also inhibits bcl2, a potent protein made by the body that stimulates cellular proliferation and hence promotes cancer cells’ expression and survival.

Progesterone and PMS

A deficiency of Progesterone and/or too much Estradiol causes excessive menstrual bleeding and cramping. It also causes PMS moodiness, bloating, acne, and breast tenderness. By raising your progesterone levels you can totally eliminate PMS.

Progesterone and Mood/Sleep

Progesterone has a calming effect on the nervous system through its action on GABA, the calming neurohormone. Progesterone produces a valium-like effect on the stressed nervous system and creates a healthy EEG sleep pattern in the brain similar to that produced by valium.

Progesterone and Cancer

Progesterone increases the Tumor Suppressor Protein known as p53, the “guardian of the cell” and decreases the cancer activating protein known as bcl-2.

The Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 guards against cellular mutations that can cause cancer in the following ways:

  • Activation of DNA repair
  • Stops Cell growth when necessary to allow DNA time to repair
  • Initiates programmed cell death (apoptosis) when DNA damage is irreparable

Estradiol, on the other hand, does the opposite of progesterone. It causes a decrease in p53 and activates bcl2, the opposite acting protein that promotes cancer cell growth and survival.

Here’s the take home message: Breast cancer cells do not multiply when women have a sufficient supply of progesterone. Progesterone likewise also prevents cancer of the ovary and uterus as well as small cell lung cancer which is normally a very difficult cancer to treat.

Progesterone in Men

Men make about half as much progesterone as women. However, it is extremely important for men as well as it is for women. Progesterone gets converted into Testosterone. Most men know that the loss of Testosterone is associated with aging and causes decreased libido and erectile dysfunction. It is also associated with prostate cancer.

Progesterone preserves natural stores of Testosterone by preventing it from being converted into Di-Hydro-Testosterone (DHT), which blocks the prostate and causes Benign Prostate Enlargement and it’s bothersome symptoms including frequent urination, hesitancy, feeble urine stream and night-time urination. Too much DHT also blocks the hair follicles and is the principal cause of male pattern baldness.

A deficiency of Testosterone, in men or women, is associated with a loss of muscle mass, joint pains, heart disease and the tendency to put on excess abdominal fat. Taking supplemental natural progesterone can boost your Testosterone level.

Progesterone and Prostate Cancer

Men typically make a very small amount of Estrogen: about 1/10th the amount of a woman. If however, the ratio of Estrogen to Progesterone gets out of balance, prostate cancer develops for the same reason breast or uterine cancer develops in a woman. Progesterone protects against cancer growth and Estradiol activates cancer cell growth.

Progesterone Protects the Brain and Nervous System

Progesterone protects and preserves the nervous system. Progesterone and Testosterone work together to prevent neurodegeneration of the central nervous system. Therefore, any age-related decline in progesterone may have a negative impact on brain, memory and nerve function. Additionally, progesterone and the natural, bio-identical estrogen known as Estriol help reduce age-associated abnormalities of the myelin sheath that covers the nerves. New research indicates that supplementing these natural hormones could help prevent Multiple Sclerosis.

What is the best form and dose of Progesterone?

The most effective form of progesterone is the oral, sub-lingual form. The skin is designed to be a barrier, not to absorb hormones. It works well for a short while, but eventually progesterone applied to the skin gets shunted into fat cells and begins to build up. Eventually this excess progesterone can cause swelling, moodiness and irritability.

The mucous membranes of the mouth however, were designed for absorption. When progesterone is absorbed in the mouth, it is absorbed and transported through the blood stream to the brain and nervous system in both sexes, the ovaries and uterus in women and to the prostate in men, before it is broken down in the stomach or the liver and excreted from the body. This method is highly effective in delivering the hormones to the key target tissues without any excess buildup over time.

The sublingual form is safe to take for extended periods. The usual sublingual dose is 50 to 100 mg of natural progesterone daily  for women and 7.5 to 25mg daily for men. To determine the correct amount that is right for you, I recommend testing your blood levels before and after one to three months of natural progesterone therapy. Once the correct does is achieved, you should make sure you get your progesterone level tested every twelve months to make sure your levels remain in the optimum range.

Optimizing your progesterone calms the nervous system, improves deep physically regenerative sleep, builds bones, activates Tumor Suppressor Protein to fight cancers in men and women and extends longevity. So, if you would like to feel great and live longer, I recommend that you test your blood progesterone level and supplement low levels with bioidentical progesterone taken sublingually.  For more information, visit or call 480-992-5092.

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