Medical Expert Exposes What Obamacare Is Doing To Your Doctor

by | Jun 16, 2015

This video explains the reasons why I do not participate in any Health Insurance programs or Obama-care. They seek to remove the individualized health care decision making authority from the doctor and give it to Insurance Company and Government Bureaucrats so that they can ration health care services to the minimum common denominator. They have created a “Disease Care System” that only reimburses for treatment of overt disease rather than prevention and optimal health care.
This system creates a conflict of interest between the patient and the physician, as the physician is forced to meet minimum but often invasive and harmful diagnostic criteria, or delay services, in order to justify frequently dangerous treatments. Decision making in this system is cost containment, or doing the minimum required to put someone back on their feet rather than to provide truly optimal health care, and is too often directed by fear of preventing liability law suits rather than what is best for the patient. Treatments are determined by majority rule rather than individual need or prescribed by non-physician bureaucrats who do not know the patient and designed to fit the largest number of patients possible rather than one individual patient. Physicians in this system are rewarded or forced to be more concerned about the bottom line of the “corporation” than about the individual needs of the patient.
My goal, on the other hand, is to do what is best for the patient and thoroughly assess all 12 major health systems of each patient that I see, using comprehensive, individualized, and holistic health care and diagnostic procedures so that I can treat the underlying causes of each patient’s illnesses and stimulate the inherent healing ability within each one.  I seek only to do my job without monetary bias or fear of judicial or bureaucratic reprisal so that I can help each and everyone of my patients reach his or her optimal level of health, happiness, and longevity, so that each can attain his or her highest physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Twila Brase, RN, PHN
Public Health Nurse
President, Citizens’ Council on Health Care
POSITIONS: As president of the independent non-profit free-market, national health care policy organization, Citizens’ Council on Health Care (CCHC), Twila Brase also represents patients and citizens as a board member of the Patient Safety Institute. She is also an advisor to LifeSharers, an innovative organ donation initiative based in Missouri. In 2000, the Minnesota Physician magazine selected her as one of “Minnesota’s 100 Most Influential Health Care Leaders.”
Ms. Brase’s recent activities include an op-ed published in The Washington Post, a press conference to support the “Parents’ Right to Say No Act” (opt-in consent for newborn genetic testing), authoring a extensively-documented report challenging “evidence-based medicine” (How Technocrats are Taking Over the Practice of Medicine: A Wake-up Call to the American People, January 2005), planning and moderating health care policy forums, most recently a forum on Evidence-Based Medicine, and being quoted by The Washington Times and The Washington Post.
Ms. Brase provides testimony before the Minnesota legislature, and has been invited to present in and outside of Minnesota, for groups as diverse as the Association of American Clinical Endocrinologists (Chicago, IL), the Washington Policy Center’s annual health care event (Seattle, WA), the American Legislative Exchange Council’s annual meeting (Dallas, TX), Minnesota Biosciences Council, the State Policy Network (Boston and Austin, TX) Solucient (New Orleans); the North Dakota Attorney General’s summit on Privacy and Cypercrime (Fargo); the Texas Medical Association (San Antonio), the Institute for Health Freedom (Washington, D.C.) and the South Carolina Medical Society (Charleston, SC). Ms. Brase also served as an invited panelist for the National Committee on Vital Statistics’s only public hearing on the National Unique Patient Identifier, Chicago.
She has been interviewed by news organizations including CNN, KARE-TV, KSTP-TV, Minnesota Public Radio, NBC Nightly News, NPR and WCCO-TV. Her comments have been seen in Associated Press, Forbes, MSNBC, Managed Care Interface Magazine, Medical Economics, Rochester Post-Bulletin, Star Tribune, Time, United Press International, USA Today, and The Washington Post. Her article “Blame Congress for HMOs” was placed into the Congressional Record on February 27, 2001. And she elicited the public’s concerns about health care during a weekly “Patient’s Perspective” program on WCCO Radio. Ms. Brase holds a Bachelor degree in Nursing from Gustavus Adolphus College, and is a certified public health nurse. Besides her position at CCHC, her career has included pediatric emergency room nursing at St. Paul Children’s Hospital and school nursing in the St. Paul and Robbinsdale school districts of Minnesota. She resides in St. Paul, Minnesota.

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