Total Testosterone Lab Test

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Total Testosterone Lab Test
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Total Testosterone Lab Test


Having an optimal Total Testosterone level is essential for both men and women. A deficiency of Testosterone leads to fatigue, muscle wasting, low sex drive, decreased sexual stimulation, and diminished sense of well-being. Testosterone protects the heart and reduces plaque build up in the arteries. Research shows that low Testosterone levels, doubles a man's risk of having a heart attack.

Optimal levels of Testosterone prevent joint pain and osteoporosis. It also builds muscle and reduces fat and cellulite. Testosterone also boosts Growth Hormone, which stimulates the production of Collagen found in joints, blood vessels and the skin. Collagen tightens the skin and prevents wrinkles, prevents hardening of the arteries and stiffening of the joints. Between ages 20 to 50, the amount of circulating Testosterone declines about 50% in both men and women. Men and Women need to test their Testosterone levels annually and supplement the levels to keep them in the Optimal Range to help prevent heart disease, cancer, Diabetes and Dementia.

Deficiency of Testosterone Causes

  • Decreased sexual desires
  • Difficulty attaining and maintaining erections
  • Lack of orgasm, problem feeling aroused
  • Lack of sexual sensitivity
  • Lack of feeling attracted to partner
  • Depression
  • Nervousness, anxiousness
  • Gray hair
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Tired all the time
  • Poor sleep
  • Memory problems
  • High blood pressure, chest pain, high cholesterol
  • Fat abdomen, love handles
  • Fat hips and thighs
  • Lack of muscles
  • Joint pains, arthritis

Restoring your hormone levels can make you feel great, love great, look younger and live longer!

If your life is missing that special spark you used to have, it may be your hormones. Men & Women need Optimal levels of Balanced Hormones, including Pregnenolone, DHEA, Testosterone, and all 3 Estrogens, to achieve optimum health and vitality. Even if just one hormone is low, it can throw all the rest out of balance. Low Testosterone can cause low energy, abdominal weight gain, anxiety and depression, ruin your romance and significantly increase your risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke, metabolic disease and more. To be truly healthy, you need to balance all of your hormones and raise your levels to those equal to that of a healthy 35 year old. (Source: References linked here)

Cardiovascular Benefits

Testosterone restoration is an important step for heart health, especially in men. In a revealing study, researchers identified 2,416 men (aged 69-81 years) who were not on any kind of testosterone-affecting treatment. These men were subjected to a battery of blood tests that included total testosterone and estradiol.

The first observation was that men with increasing levels of testosterone had a decreased prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, and body fat mass. Compared to men with the highest testosterone levels, those with low testosterone were twice as likely to have a history of cardiovascular disease. It was also observed that men with the highest testosterone levels were the most physically active.5

This large group of men was followed for an average of 5.1 years. Men in the highest quartile of total testosterone (above 550 ng/dL) had a 30% lower risk of cardiovascular events. Any level of total testosterone below 550 ng/dL resulted in significantly increased risk, thus helping establish a minimal baseline as to where total testosterone should be to guard against heart attack or stroke.

Estradiol levels measured in this group appeared to be mostly in safe ranges and did not impact incidence of cardiovascular events.

Data was tabulated based on hospital reports and/or death certificates for:

  1. Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack)
  2. Unstable angina (chest discomfort caused by a lack of oxygen flow to the heart)
  3. Revascularization procedure (bypass surgery or stenting)
  4. Transient ischemic attack (mini-stroke)
  5. Stroke

The four Categories of total testosterone in this large group of older men were:

  • Quartile 1: Total testosterone below 340 ng/dL
  • Quartile 2: Total testosterone between 341 and 438 ng/dL
  • Quartile 3: Total testosterone between 439 and 549 ng/dL
  • Quartile 4: Total testosterone above 550 ng/dL

Of interest was the finding that Quartiles 1, 2, and 3 had about the same risk of cardiac adverse events. It was only in Quartile 4 (when total testosterone exceeded 550 ng/dL) that the 30% reduction in cardiovascular events occurred.

This finding showed that it did not matter if these men’s total testosterone was very low (below 340 ng/dL) or moderately low (up to 549 ng/dL) … they all had a similar increased risk for suffering a cardiovascular event. Only when total testosterone exceeded 550 did cardiovascular risk plummet.

This finding remained consistent for cerebrovascular disease incidence, where men with the highest total testosterone (Quartile 4) had a 23% reduced risk of transient ischemic attack or full blown stroke. The researchers noted this association with reduced cerebrovascular risk remained after adjustment for traditional risk factors.

The conclusions by the researchers who conducted this study were:

Higher serum testosterone levels are associated with a reduced risk of fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events in community dwelling elderly men.” 5
Sources: Life Extension News

Dr. Hansen’s Rx

Testosterone is essential for life for both men and women. Maintaining optimal levels equivalent to the age of a healthy 30-35 year old will protect your heart, arteries, muscles and bones. It will boost your mood, energy and your sex drive. The Testosterone that I prescribe is the natural Bio-Identical Testosterone, which is based on testing all the associated hormones and a prescription that combines Testosterone with an optimal balance of all the associated synergistic hormones necessary to produce optimal results and reduce or eliminate risk.

Most physicians are simply not trained in the use of balanced hormone prescribing. I have studied with the world’s leading hormone experts for the past 15 years. Last March 2013, Dr. Thierry Hertoghe, M.D. and the World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine made me a Diplomat of Anti-Aging Medicine upon completion of the Advanced Fellowship in Anti-Aging Medicine and Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy, in Brussels Belgium.

Expert research indicates that the optimal level of Testosterone required to protect your heart, bones, muscle & mood is in a range of 700-900 ng/dl for men. This is the level that I typically prescribe for men. Women need 10 times less and because it is so much smaller can take a sub-lingual (under the tongue) dose, whereas men typically require an intramuscular injection of Bio-Identical Testosterone once per week to achieve this level.

More research continues to confirm the benefits of Testosterone every month. The latest Testosterone study published online February 19, 2014, by the School of Public Health (B.H., R.G.C.), University of Sydney, Sydney, New S Wales, Australia, confirms that Testosterone levels are directly proportional to Self-rated health and health-related quality of life, which are inversely associated with increased morbidity and mortality.

Testing Details

Sample Type: LC/MS-MS Blood Serum; No fasting is required.

Collection Method:In person at Hansen Clinic

Timing: Testing should be in the AM; For women, no specific day of the cycle or Cycle is required; if you are a man and you are not currently taking Testosterone, you may test on any day; if you are a man and taking Testosterone injections, you should test at 1 week after your last injection.

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