The Vital Lifetime Diet

by | Jan 9, 2014

What’s the best diet?

Answer: The diet you can live with for life that will help you loose weight fast, but safely, without gimmicks that wreck your health. I call it the Vital Lifetime Diet?

If you want to lose weight for good, this is the plan for you. The Vital Lifetime Diet is a healthy lifestyle that focuses on 1) balancing your body’s hormones and metabolism, 2) eating healthy portions of great tasting food that are vital to your health, and  3) simple exercises that turn up your fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
This is a plan that you can feel good about and follow for life. Most diets rob your body of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and even lean muscle. They can deplete your energy and actually lower your metabolism which causes you to regain all of the weight you may lose faster than it took to take it off. Most diets fail because they are based on incorrect principles. They are based on short term quick weight loss gimmicks and unhealthy diet habits that you could never sustain and wouldn’t want to because they’re just not good for you.

If You’re Overweight You’re Not Alone!

According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly two-thirds of U.S. Adults are overweight. The American waistline continues to expand, with 61% of U.S. adults now considered to be overweight. More than a third of adults, 35%, are slightly or moderately overweight and 26% of Americans are not just overweight, but obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
A Harvard research study discovered that women tend to gain an average of 20 pounds between ages 35 and 50.  Even a small weight loss (just 10 percent of your current weight) will help you lower your risk of developing diseases associated with obesity.

What’s Your BMI  (Body Mass Index)?

BMI is a measure of weight relative to height. Your BMI is a reliable indicator of total body fat, which relates directly to your risk of certain diseases and death. A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight, while anything over 30 is considered obese. A healthy weight falls between 18.5 and 24.9. To check your BMI, click here:

What’s Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)?

Your BMR is is the amount of Calories it takes to keep you at your current weight. To lose 1lb per week you will need to cut out a minimum of 500 Calories per day from your diet or burn an extra 500 Calories per day by exercising, or some combination of both. If you eat more than your BMR you will be gaining weight.

What to Expect on the Vital Diet

The Vital Diet is a healthy way of eating real foods that provides all the vital nutrients, lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy oils, vitamins and minerals that your body needs on a daily basis so that you can achieve optimal health and vitality. The Vital Diet teaches you how to eat and what to eat to burn fat, build lean muscle, optimize your body’s enzymes,  replenish your hormones and fight oxidation, aging and cellular degeneration.
The Vital Diet includes specific meal plans, portions, and recipes that you can make from foods you buy at the grocery store. You don’t have to buy any pre-packaged foods, meal replacement powders, protein bars, or fad drinks. Instead you’ll learn how to simply and quickly prepare healthy and delicious meals that keep your vitality up and your weight down.
The Weight Loss Phase of the Vital Diet is intended to last 16 weeks. During this time period you can expect to lose as much as 20-40 pounds. The keys to the success of this program include an individual comprehensive metabolic evaluation by Dr. Clark Hansen, an initial 2-day Vital Detox, the correct combinations of Vital Foods, Metabolic Exercise, Specially Formulated Dietary Supplements and prescription of Bio-Identical Hormones if deficient.

Testing Your Hormones: Assessing the Shape You’re In

Your inability to lose weight and keep it off may be partly due to genetics and hormonal imbalances.  The Vital Diet program starts with a comprehensive medical evaluation by Dr. Clark Hansen who will personally assess your overall health status and your specific metabolic and hormonal deficiencies.
If you are a Pear Shape (carry excess fat predominantly in your hips and thighs) you may be deficient in Progesterone or Growth Hormone, or have too much Estrogen and Insulin.
If you are Apple shaped (carry excess fat in the abdomen) you may be producing too much Cortisol and/or be deficient in Thyroid, DHEA, or Testosterone.
Crave sweets? You could have a Cortisol or Chromium deficiency.
Never feel satisfied? You could have a deficiency of Dopamine.
Have an insatiable appetite? You may be deficient in Serotonin.
Solving your metabolic imbalances can turn your world around and reshape a healthier you.

What Shape Are You? Are You an Apple or a Pear?

Apple Shape

Pear Shape



Start with a Simple Cleansing Detox

To begin the Vital Diet you will be guided through a simple 2-day Detox Diet that emphasizes detoxifying your body by eating healthy high fiber foods that cleanse the colon and the liver so that you will be able to increase the assimilation and utilization of the wealth of enzymes, vitamins and minerals found in the Vital Diet. This gentle 2-day detoxification phase of the Vital Diet will get you off on a clean start.

Vital Foods Boost Metabolism, Speed Weight Loss

The Vital Diet emphasizes the joy of eating healthy foods. In fact on the Vital Diet you may eat more frequently than you are used to and still lose weight. You’ll learn to stop starving yourself to turn up your metabolic rate. You’ll replace refined carbohydrates with low glycemic, high fiber foods that taste great and won’t raise your insulin levels or pack pounds in your abdomen or hips. The Vital Diet teaches you how to eat foods that satisfy and to avoid the starve and binge swings that expand your stomach, cause continual cravings, lower your metabolism and convert more of your calories to fat.

Vital Exercise

Exercise is vital to great health and longevity. Exercise can increase your metabolism, lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer and other diseases. In January, 2008, researcheres at King’s College in London discovered that just 30 minutes of exercise 6 days per week can extend your life by nearly a decade. The study found that exercise appears to slow the aging of genes inside cells.

Vital Supplements

The Vital Diet includes four key supplements that supply the essential nutrients that your body needs to enhance the fat burning process. 1) Peak Advantage High-Potency Multi-Vitamin contains 28 vitamins and minerals to insure optimal metabolism and fat burning. 2) Succeed Fat Burner is a nutritional and herbal formula that promotes high speed fat burning without stimulants like ephedra. 3) Bio-Identical Hormones, Thyroid and Neurotransmitters as needed, as determined by individualized blood, urine and saliva testing.

Supplemental Benefits


  • Decreases appetite
  • Stimulates fat burning
  • Increases metabolic rate
  • Accelerates removal of stored fat
  • Enhances energy production
  • Improves physical performance



Most diets fail because they are based on incorrect principles. If a diet is based on gimmicks, fads or quick fixes rather than sound science and true enduring principles the results will not last. It has been our experience that there is a serious lack of knowledge about the true principles of good nutrition. We will teach you sound, medically up-to-date nutritional information and explain the principles of  optimal nutrition and lifestyle choices that will enable you to obtain true health and vitality as you achieve your weight loss goals and keep the weight off for a lifetime.
This booklet is provided to you because either you or your spouse has had a significant problem with weight and, perhaps, one or more of the medical complications associated with being overweight. Therefore, we feel that you have a particular need to learn and to become your own nutritionist. We hope to provide you with a foundation that will allow you to analyze you daily food intake, not in terms of immediate pleasure, but in terms of maintaining an ideal body weight and enjoying the energy and vitality associated with optimal nutrition.
The following nutritional guidelines are designed to provide a basis from which you can establish your future attitudes and goals regarding your dietary intake. Physical activity will be encouraged, not only to “burn off” calories, but to show you the way to a lifetime of vigor and vibrant health.


What are the major nutritional elements of food?

In general, foods are composed of six basic nutrients:
1. Proteins                           4. Vitamins
2. Fats                                 5. Minerals
3. Carbohydrates               6. Water
These nutrients are all essential for good nutrition. There is no perfect food substance that contains all these nutrients in perfect balance. Therefore, we must consume a variety of foods in order to obtain optimum nutrition.

What purpose does each of these six basic nutrients serve?

Proteins are generally referred to as the “building blocks” of the body. They are essential for growth and repair of body tissue. Proteins can also be utilized for energy.
Fats are a major source of energy. This energy may be utilized by physical activity, or it may be stored as fat deposits.
Carbohydrates (starches and sugars) are the main source of readily available energy. Carbohydrates also have a “protein sparing” action which prevents the body from metabolizing protein for energy.
Protein, fats, and carbohydrates are the only nutrients that provide us with energy,   which is measured in calories. It is important to understand that if any one of these three energy yielding nutrients are consumed in excess of caloric expenditure, the nutrients will, be converted by the body to fat stores.
Vitamins are nutrients that are required by the body for the proper metabolism    of the energy yielding molecules. They are compounds that your body must have to sustain life and that the body cannot manufacture itself. You must get these nutrients from your diet. A vitamin deficiency occurs when a particular nutrient is not provided in sufficient quantity. You are probably familiar with the vitamin deficiency entities known as rickets, scurvy, pellagra, beriberi, etc.
Minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium, sodium, manganese, and others are essential elements in the diet. Minerals are incorporated into the skeletal structure and into the intercellular and extracellular compartments. Certain minerals are also essential for the proper function of vitamins and other enzyme systems.
Water is a nutrient that is absolutely essential to life in the vegetable and animal kingdom. Unfortunately, water is taken for granted, and is often not taken into account when planning for adequate nutrition. On the other hand, our sense of thirst cannot be denied. Water enters into almost every function of the body. It is essential to digestive processes. It is a major constituent of the bloodstream that conveys nourishment to the tissues and transports the waste products to the kidneys for excretion. It also helps to control normal body temperature. Water also serves the very important function of lubrication. It lubricates the joints, internal organs, and even the eyes (as tears). In short, our bodies would cease to function very quickly without daily replenishment of water.

What happens to these foods as they enter my body?

In order to obtain any nutritional benefit from food, it must be digested (broken down into its individual components of protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, minerals, etc.) and then absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the body where it is transported by every living cell by the bloodstream. The digestion begins in the mouth. By chewing, food is broken down into small particles and is lubricated by saliva. In swallowing, the small food particles are pushed down the esophagus into the stomach.
Once in the stomach, the food is mixed with digestive juices that are secreted into the stomach. These juices liquefy and further break the food down into more basic elements. The liquefied food mass is then passed into the small intestine where it is digested further by juices from the gall bladder and pancreas. The nutrients are then absorbed through the wall of the small intestine into the bloodstream.
Any indigestible material that is not absorbed in the small intestine is transported to the large intestine where most of the remaining water is then reabsorbed. The residue that is left forms, the feces which, for the most part, consists of fiber. Fiber is indigestible cellulose that is found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grain cereals. This residue of material is propelled further through the large intestine, into the colon, and then is eventually evacuated from the body.

How does the body derive energy from nutrients?

As mentioned previously, only three nutrients: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, contain energy. Through the vitamin systems, our body is able to metabolize these nutrients. Essentially, metabolism is the extraction of energy from food and the conversion of that energy into physical activity, mental activity, digestive processes, heat production, and other body functions.
When proper amounts of these energy providing nutrients are taken in, protein is used primarily for tissue repair and maintenance, while carbohydrates and fats provide the energy. When excessive amounts of any nutrients are consumed, the body does not eliminate the excess; it converts those that are not used and stores them as fat. The conversion of nutrients to energy by the body is a follows: one gram of protein yields four calories, one gram of carbohydrate yields four calories, and one gram of fat yields nine calories.


Once you understand the process of weight loss, you will actually be glad when you stop losing weight on your diet, or even gain a little weight at the end of 7 to 10 days! Let me explain what is happening to your body. Weight is not the straight fine process. It resembles more a “stair step” graph.” At the plateaus, or flat spots, you may even gain some weight, but this is cause for rejoicing!
You see, on the first part of the diet, your rapid weight loss is due partly to water loss as well as fat loss After 7 to 10 days you probably stop losing weight. Unfortunately, too many people get discouraged and stop dieting at this point, too. Yet this is where real fat loss occurs. Your body begins to retain water to maintain the shape and configuration of its cells as fat is lost. Cells must maintain a certain shape or they may collapse.
Now, this is most important. Water is heavier than fat and so, while your weight may remain stable or even increase, you are actually losing fat. As the water is maintaining the shape of your cells, fat is being lost from the cells. So even though your scales may indicate otherwise, you really are winning the losing battle.


Using weight loss as motivation and reward for sticking to a diet is the worst possible method of attempting to change your eating habits from a long term standpoint and almost guarantees failure. Weight watching can be your most dreadful enemy!                                                                                                                       

Change Your Behavior                                             

For long term success you must change habits or behavior to succeed at losing weight. Losing weight is not a behavior! Therefore, you cannot directly control the amount of your weight loss, but you can change behavior that will lead to significant weight loss. Your weight will vary from day to day, going down a little, then up a little, but the average over the 4 month diet will decease significantly.
You should expect to lose an average of 1-2lbs per week average every month for 4 months, or 16-32 lbs, but I typically see that patients lose 20-40 lbs during that time if they follow the plan.

WEEK 1: Prepare to Change Your Life

The actual dietary changes do not begin until the second week of the program. The first week involves 1) The medical assessment, 2) Recording of current diet; 3) Cleaning the Pantry; 4) Stocking the Pantry; 5) Starting the Multi-Vitamin; 6) Starting the exercise program.

1) The Initial Medical Assessment by Dr. Hansen

This will consist of a Comprehensive Health Assessment that reviews all 12 major  systems of the body, as well as a Comprehensive Medical Exam by Dr. Hansen which includes testing your Vital Signs, Body Mass Index (BMI), your Percent Body Fat, and your Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR). Additionally, based upon this information Dr. Hansen will recommend certain lab tests to determine your individual biochemical, hormonal and metabolic imbalances that determine your body shape and may be the underlying cause of your inability to lose weight.

Possible lab tests could include the following:

Blood Chemistry Tests: Cholesterol, Blood sugar, Liver Function, Kidney Function, Electrolytes.

Hormone Tests: Estrogens (E1, E2, E3), Progesterone, DHEA-S, Total Testosterone, Progesterone, IGF-1 (Growth Hormone), Insulin, and Thyroid (TSH, freeT3, and freeT4)

Neurohormone Tests: Serotonin, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, GABA

2) Diet Diary

During the initial week of diet assessment, you should keep a food diary. For optimal results we recommend that you sign up for a FREE Online Diet Diary tool previously described, which can be found at This free diet diary will allow you to keep track of everything you eat during week one and count your calories for you, as well as your water consumption and exercise.
Keeping a daily food diary accomplishes several important goals. It makes you aware of how many calories are in each food you eat. Ultimately, your success will depend on your choice of foods and your portion sizes. Keeping a diet diary will help you succeed and make the changes for life.
Research shows that people who keep a diet diary are twice a likely to achieve their weight loss goals. It is a small step toward accepting responsibility for the success of the diet. Additionally, the diet diary provides us with a more complete look at your eating habits As you record your diet diary you should note whether or not you experience of the following problems:

  • Eating too fast.
  • Frequent snacking on high calorie foods.
  • Skipping or skimping on morning meals, then overeating late in the day.
  • Substituting juice, soft drinks, beer or other high calorie and high sodium beverages for water.
  • Adding high calorie sauces or dressings to low calorie items, such as salads and vegetables.
  • The use of high calorie and/or high sodium convenience foods in place of plain or homemade dishes (e.g., “fast foods,” breaded frozen chicken or fish dishes, etc.)
  • Eating for reason other than hunger, such as in response to frustration, boredom, anger, eating in front of the TV, etc.
  • Feeling obligated to take large portions (or even seconds) or feeling that they should eat everything on their plate.
  • Consuming a diet high in simple and refined carbohydrates, excessive saturated fat, etc.

IMPORTANT NOTE! During the first week, patients should note their food consumption after meals and snacks. This timing of the entries will give the physician (and the patients) more accurate records of current habits prior to treatment.
Beginning with the second week, patients should record food before they actually eat the meal or the snack, and then correct the entry if less or more is eaten. This arrangement helps to make eating a conscious act in response to hunger rather than an unconscious habit or a response to emotions or signals other than hunger. The diary can thereby become a powerful tool for behavioral modification.

3) Cleaning out the Pantry, Fridge and Freezer

Before you start the Vital Diet you need to remove any and all high calorie temptations from the house. You should clean out the pantry and remove all products that are not on the approved Food Groups List.
WARNING:Make certain that you read all labels and eliminate all foods that contain any of the following: white flour, sugar (sucrose), aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal), high-fructose corn sweetener, hydrogenated oils, trans fats, food dyes, etc. The only approved flour is 100% Whole Grain flour: the entire ingredient list only requires four ingredients: Wheat, or a combination of other whole grains, water, salt, and yeast. If it doesn’t say 100% whole grain, then it is most likely only half wheat or less and half or more white flour.

Eliminate High-Fructose Corn Sweeteners

The average American now consumes a whopping 42 pounds of corn syrup annually. This plentiful and inexpensive sweetener made from corn is known as High Fructose Corn Sweetener (HFCS). However, its name is a deceptive misnomer. Although it does contain fructose, the well known natural sugar found in fruits, HFCS is a man-made recombination of the various sugars found in corn syrup, including glucose, fructose and other sugars. HFCS adds an extra 76,000 calories per year to the average American diet. Its in almost everything.
HFCS now represents more than 40% of caloric sweeteners added to foods and beverages and as much as 10% of an individual’s total daily calories. It can be found in soda, baked goods, breakfast cereals, candies, condiments, ketchup, canned soups, salad dressings, Smucker’s jams, McDonald’s Big Mack and even Wonder Bread.
New research that studied 50,000 U.S. nurses found that those who drank just one serving of HFCS sweetened soda per day gained weight more quickly and had an 80% higher risk of developing diabetes than those who drank less than one soda per month. They also had an increased risk of developing fatty liver disease. Surprisingly, all it took was one soft drink per day to put on the extra pounds and boost the risk of diabetes and developing a fatty liver.

Eliminate all Temptations: chips, cookies, cakes, candies, ice cream, butter, cream cheese, sour cream, etc.

If it is in the house you are going to want to eat it. Its better to just get it out of the pantry, fridge, or freezer all together. If your favorite Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream is in the freezer, you’ll be tormented by the thought of it or you’re going to eat it and regret it later. Here’s what I recommend. Get it out of the house! Once per month go ahead and treat yourself, but don’t over indulge. Keep the portion size within reason and don’t bring any home.

Special Notice: Take a friend along!

Many dieters find that they do better when supported by a friend who shares their problems and who is following the same program. Get your whole family to help you by agreeing to eliminate the junk-food from the house and eat healthier.
The Vital Diet is a healthy way of eating that will be great for the whole family. You will need the support and you will have a lot more fun if you bring your family or a friend along. Eating healthy and exercising daily will be a lot easier  if  you have a friend to help you get out there and do it.
We will give you  $50 Gift Certificate good toward your next month of visits if you bring in a friendwho joins The Vital “Lifetime” Diet Program.

4) Stocking the Pantry

Once you have removed the high calorie offenders from the pantry you are ready to restock the shelves with Vital Foods.
You will want to buy 100% Whole Wheat Bread I recommend bread from the Natural Bread Company, Whole Oats (not quick cooking oats), whole grain brown rice or rice blends (I recommend that you try Lundberg Jubilee, Gourmet Blend of Whole Grain Brown Rice. Lundberg Jubilee is a colorful aromatic blend of several brown rice varieties, which contain their nutritious bran and healthy rice germ layers.
You will want to get some natural low calorie sweeteners to keep on hand. I recommend Honey, Fructose, Stevia, and Xagave.

The Benefits of Natural Fructose (Fruit Sugar)

Fructose or fruit sugar is the primary carbohydrate in fruits and vegetables. In fact, the fructose content of most fruits and many vegetables is roughly 10% of their dry weight. Fructose is very sweet and is roughly 1.75 times sweeter than sucrose (white table sugar). Although fructose has the same chemical formula as glucose (C6H12O6), its structure (shape) is quite different. In order to be utilized by the body, fructose must be converted to glucose within the liver.
An average raw apple contains 8-10 grams of fructose. However, because fructose must be changed to glucose in the liver in order to be utilized by the body, blood glucose levels do not rise as rapidly after fructose consumption compared to other simple sugars or even complex carbohydrates. Therefore, the glycemic load calculation for 10 grams of fructose is only 2.
In comparison, the glycemic load for a slice of white bread is 10 and a cup of white rice 26. So, you can see that 10 grams of fructose is not a problem even for people with diabetes or hypoglycemia. In fact, one of the latest studies with fructose in Adult Onset Diabetics found that fructose consumption actually improved their ability to handle sugar.

How About NutraSweet or Equal, etc?

Studies have found that people who consume fructose sweetened food or drinks will eat substantially fewer calories and fat than people who consume aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal), sucrose or glucose. This clearly indicates that fructose at appropriate levels can reduce appetite and make weight loss much easier to achieve.

5) Start Taking Your Daily Multi-Vitamin

Take Peak Advantage High-Potency Multi-Vitamin:2 capsules 3 times daily with meals. Peak Advantage will help you keep your energy level up and provide the essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function optimally.

6) Exercise Six Days per Week

Since you may not have been exercising you need to begin slowly so you don’t get too sore. You need to be patient with yourself. Our goal is safe weight loss for a lifetime. You should expect to lose 1-2 lbs per week if you follow the program as outlined. That is a healthy weight loss that will not put you at risk for other health concerns.
During the first week, you should start with a 15 minute walk, six days per week. You should spend 2 minutes stretching before beginning your exercise. You should start any new exercise program slowly and gradually build up the pace. Starting with Week 2 you should increase your exercise time by 2 minutes every day until you get to 30 minutes by the end of the week. Your pace should be just fast enough to get your heart rate up to 180 – your age (example: Sarah is 40 years old. Her resting heart rate is 72. Her exercise target heart rate is 140).
The pace of your exercise should gradually increase until you can walk at a brisk pace for 30 minutes. However, do not walk so fast that you get out of breath or are unable to carry on a conversation while exercising. Each exercise period should end with a 2 minute cool-down period of slow walking. Be patient with yourself. Remember, this is a “Lifetime” diet. Do not try to overdo it or you’ll get so sore you won’t be able to exercise for several days.



Every day, throughout the entire 16 week program, you should  drink eight (8 oz.) glasses of water. Three of the eight glasses should contain lemon juice (See details below) For optimal health you should be drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day.
Up to 60 percent of the human body is water. The brain is composed of 70 percent water and the lungs are nearly 90 percent water. About 83 percent of your blood is water, which helps digest our food, transport waste, and control body temperature. Each day humans must replace 2.4 liters of water, some through drinking and the rest taken by the body from the foods you eat.
The cells in our bodies are full of water. The excellent ability of water to dissolve so many substances allows our cells to use valuable nutrients, minerals, and chemicals in biological processes. The carbohydrates and proteins that our bodies use as food are metabolized and transported by water in the bloodstream.
Equally as important is the ability of water to transport waste material out of our bodies. Water is needed to flush waste from the body. Diuretics (coffee, tea, etc.), fruit juices, sodas and similar products should be avoided both because they contain caffeine or sugar, which upset insulin levels, and because they generally contain sodium. Alcoholic beverages likewise should be avoided because alcohol acts as a diuretic and distorts insulin response.
Most patients will need time to accustom themselves to drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. This fluid is essential. Every pound of fat burned releases 22 ounces of water, metabolic by-products and stored fat-soluble toxins.


Lemon-water is encouraged due to its ability to enhance liver function. The Liver is the main detoxifying organ of the body. Recent research has shown that weight gain, fat accumulation, the development of high choleserol, diabetes and insulin resistance were significantly suppressed by lemon polyphenols. Every day you should drink the juice of one lemon.
This is a very important component of your weight loss regimen. Each night in preparation for the next day you should wash one lemon (organic lemon is preferable). Slice the lemon into 4 sections. Squeeze all 4 sections into a pitcher containing 32 oz of purified or bottled water. After squeezing out the lemon juice, place the lemon rinds into the pitcher with the lemon water. The rinds contain important lemon polyphenols that enhance fat burning in the fat cells and the liver.  Drink four (8oz.) glasses of lemon juice daily.
Note: If the lemon juice with lemon rinds is too bitter for your taste buds at the beginning, you may drink the lemon juice without adding the rinds but much of the benefit will be lost. (see research article entitled: Lemon Polyphenols Suppress Diet-induced Obesity; J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2008 Nov;43(3):201-9. Epub 2008 Oct 31.)


Drinks with caffeine can suppress adrenal function and cause you to feel fatigued and crave more coffee. Caffeine will suppress adrenal production of epinephrine (adrenaline), which stimulates fat burning. Caffeine will also trigger hunger and make it harder for you to stay on any diet program.
Diet drinks contain artificial sweeteners which can cause you to crave more sweets. So although the diet drinks may be calorie free they increase your appetite for other high calorie foods or beverages.
Stop all diet drinks and all caffeinated drinks, including coffee, caffeinated teas and soft drinks. For a great tasting Coffee substitute try  Teeccino Caffeine-Free Herbal Coffee.


Alcohol is toxic to the liver and is high in sugar and calories.


It is important that you eat 2-3 fruits every day (6-7 fruits a day during the 2-Day Detox Diet). You MAY NOT substitute juice or canned fruit for fruit. (NO melons, bananas, or strawberries during the 2Day Cleansing Diet).
Apple, extra large (eat 1 daily)
Apricot, raw (1 medium)
Cantaloupe (1/4 average)
Watermelon (1 cup)
Raspberries (3/4 cup)
Honeydew (1/4 average)
Blue berries (1 cup)
Orange, fresh (1 average)
Papaya, raw (½ medium)
Peach, fresh ( 1 average)
Black berries (3/4 cup)
Strawberries, raw (3/4 cup)


The consumption of lean proteins is encouraged because protein curbs the appetite and elevates mood and energy levels. Studies have shown that protein has a stronger thermogenic effect than carbohydrates. All lean meats may be broiled, baked, boiled, grilled, steamed, or sautéed in Teflon pan with no butter or margerine added to the pan. A small amount of Grapeseed oil may be used as part of your daily required 8 tsp of Grapeseed oil.
All visible fat must be removed from all meats. Blot fat off broiled meat. Use no fats or gravies in cooking. Eggs may be boiled, poached or fried in Teflon pan with a small amount of Grapeseed oil.


Vegetables will provide non-grain source of fiber during the 2Day Cleansing diet. The preferred sources are at least one cup of raw or lightly cooked vegetables at lunch and dinner plus salads. Whereas protein improves mood and energy levels, vegetables (fiber) help to give the physical sensation of fullness, while slowing the postprandial release of sugar into the blood. Choose from the following:
Preparation: Fresh, frozen, microwaved, steamed, or raw Eat one cup cooked vegetables plus as much raw vegetables as you desire every day. Raw vegetables require as much energy to digest as the contain, so they do not add calories to your scale.
Alfalfa Sprouts (1 cup)
Asparagus, raw or cooked (1 cup)
Beet or Turnip Greens, cooked (1 cup)
Broccoli Brussel Sprouts
Cabbage, raw or cooked, sliced (1 cup)
Cauliflower, raw or cooked (1 cup)
Celery, raw or cooked (1 cup)
Chard, Swiss, raw stems and leaves (1 cup)
Chicory (½ cup) Chinese cabbage, raw (1 cup)
Endive (Escarole), raw (1 cup)
Cucumber, raw, unpared (½ medium)
Fennel (1 tsp.)
Green Beans, cooked (1 cup)
Green Onions, raw (1 bulb) Green Pepper, raw, sliced (1 cup)
Lettuce, leaf (3 oz.)
Kale, raw (3oz.), cooked (1 cup)
Lettuce, iceberg (1 cup)
Mung Bean Sprouts (1 cup)
Mushrooms, raw (1 cup)
Red Radishes, raw (5 small) R
Red Pepper, raw
Spinach, raw or cooked (1 cup)
Tomato, raw (1 medium), canned (1 cup)
Watercress, raw (1 cup)
Zucchini, raw or cooked (1 cup)


As part of the Vital Diet, you must have two tablespoons of Grapeseed Oil every day.  Grapeseed oil is one of the richest source of linoleic acid, an essential unsaturated omega-6 fatty acid, which is required for optimal health of cell membranes throughout the body.
Research shows that in temperate climates populations with the lowest incidence of obesity and degenerative diseases have the highesttissue levels of linoleic acid. Supplementation often improves liver and kidney function, heart and circulatory problems, and certain metabolic malfunctions, including obesity.
When we break down our fat for energy, it is split into two substances, glycerol and fatty acids. It cannot leave the fat cell until this is done. Once it leaves the cell, it goes through the blood stream to the liver where it is changed to a more easily handled form and is then burned by the muscles and brain cells. Linoleic acid is required to help carry out these changes.

Why Grapeseed Oil?

Grapeseed Oil is 75% Essential Linoleic Acid. In fact, Grapeseed Oil offers one of the highest concentrations of heart healthy mono and poly-unsaturated fats of any vegetable oil, and the lowest levels of saturated fat of ANY oil.
It is the ultimate everyday cooking and condiment oil. In fact, premier European chefs have been using it for centuries because of several unique quantities. Its light taste brings out the flavor of food, while its high smoke point (485 degrees/F) lets you fry, bake or saute without smoking, splattering or burning. Its delicate, nutty flavor makes delicious light salad dressings and an ideal substitute for butter, margarine, and other saturated fats.
There is a definite requirement for linoleic acid when the body is losing weight. Grapeseed oil is the best source is. You will be required to consume 2 Tablespoons of this oil daily. You may use it in salad dressings, mayonnaise, or  in place of butter or margerine on toast, or vegetables.

Make Your Own Grapeseed Oil Mayonnaise:

Beat in blender at high speed: 1 raw Egg Yolk (discard the egg white) 1 tsp. Mustard 2 Tbls. Apple Cider Vinegar ¼  tsp. Salt Add 1 cup Grapeseed Oil in a slow steady stream into the blender while blending until smooth. You may add pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, dill or paprika, Mrs.DASH seasonings, etc. You may eat 2 tsp daily in substitution for 2 tsp of Grapeseed Oil.


Any spices or sseasonings are permitted that DO NOT contain sugar or added salt. Mrs. DASH seasons are delicious. Use Salt sparingly.


NO breads, rice, grains or cereals should be eaten during the 2-Day Cleansing Diet.


Honey Whole Wheat (100% Whole Wheat from the Natural Bread Company) Bran or Cereal (1 small bowl with milk) Melba Toast Wasa Brod (2 lite rye) Rye Krysp Brown Rice (Try Lundberg Whole Grain Rice – Its so delicious you won’t believe its rice)

Approved Beverages

Water (8 oz) Lemon Water (8 oz) Teeccino Caffeine-Free Herbal Coffee (1 cup) Herb Tea, hot  (1 cup) Izzi Naturally Flavored Juice (fructose sweetened Sparkling Juices) Club Soda (No quinine water)  


Salt & Pepper (sparingly)
Mrs. Dash Lemon



Seasonings:      DO NOT OVERUSE SALT.

Any seasonings are permitted that do not contain sugar. Read the label!

Canned foods:

Contain salt and may increase water retention. Avoid completely or use sparingly and rinse well.

Additional Foods:

Unprocessed Bran:        2 Tablespoons: sprinkle on salads for fiber. (For constipation)
Lemons/Limes:                Use freely on fish, salads, vegetables, etc.
Vinegar:                           If you are retaining water, we recommend that 2 teaspoons of  apple cider vinegar be taken in warm water three times daily.
Salt:                                 Do not overuse salt. ¼ teaspoon of extra salt can retain ½ pound of water.
Alcohol:                          Alcohol is forbidden on this diet program. Drinking alcohol will set you back 3 days.
Honey:                            If you are hypoglycemic or diabetic, use 1 Tablespoon of honey.

WEEK 2: The Vital Diet Begins

Most patients can safely lose weight at an average rate of about 1-2 pounds per week. More rapid weight loss can be a significant stress on your body. You should think in terms of your optimal health and this means that the diet which you follow to lose weight should be similar in nature to the healthy diet which you would want to follow for the rest of your life.

Continue the Food Diary and Exercise Log

At this point you should switch from using the food journal merely to keep track of past eating habits and begin to use it to help you reach your daily calorie goal and to control binging and other negative or impulsive eating patterns.
l) You should consciously slow down the rate of food consumption. This is useful in allowing the body to register satisfied signals. Chewing each bite thoroughly, taking smaller bites. Until you get in the habit of eating slowly you may need to count to 10 before taking your next bite.
2) To help reduce the tendency to overeat you should eat off of smaller plates in order to make portions appear to be larger.
3) Changing meal patterns often helps improve the metabolic response to food. You should always eat breakfast and should try to eat the largest meal of the day at breakfast or lunch. Supper should be both small and eaten at least three hours before bedtime.

Continue to Exercise

During the first week you should have begun your exercise program by walking 15 minutes per day, six days per week. You were instructed to build up your pace and your exercise time gradually. You should now be ready to increase your minutes slightly each week until you have sufficient endurance to walk briskly for 30 minutes without stopping.
Please follow this pattern: Each day you should increase your walk time by 2 minutes until you are walking 30 minutes by the end of Week 2.  You should also increase the pace of your walks until you can walk briskly for the entire 30 minutes. Your target heart rate is 180- your age. To test your heart rate you will need to stop after you have been walking briskly for 2 minutes and count your heart rate. The easiest way to do this is to stop and put 2 fingers in the middle of your neck just to the side of your adam’s apple.
Your pulse should be strong in this area. Count the number of beats for 6 seconds and multiply by 10 that is your heart rate per minute. It should be 180 – your age. If it is low you need to walk faster. If it is too high you need to walk slower.

Dietary Supplements

  1. Peak Advantage High-Potency Multi-Vitamin contains 28 vitamins and minerals to insure optimal metabolism, energy and fat burning. Take 2 Capsules 3 times daily with meals.
  2. Succeed Fat Burner is a nutritional and herbal formula that stimulates high speed fat burning without ephedra and without making you feel jittery like other herbal diet aids. Take 1-2 Capsules twice daily.

(for detailed information about each of the  referenced Supplements please click on the name of each product above.)

WEEK 2: DAYS 1-2:     Vital 2-Day Cleansing Diet

The first two days of the Vital Diet are designed to eliminate toxins from your system and to introduce your body to its new program of eating. To properly prepare you to lose weight, a two day cleansing diet is to be strictly followed that will enable you to flush out unwanted toxins from your body. REMEMEBER, IT IS JUST FOR TWO DAYS ONLY. The Vital “Lifetime” Diet commences on the third day.

RULE NUMBER ONE: Eat slowly, but eat until you are satisfied

Eat until you are satisfied but not stuffed, but eat slowly so that your brain can have time to tell your stomach when you have eaten enough. Do not restrict yourself or leave the table hungry. Eat only the foods listed in the 2-Day Detox Diet Section. During these two days, it is important that you should finish eating and drinking before 8:00 PM each day.

WATER: Drink 8 glasses of water daily

at least 3 glasses of lemon water and 5 glasses of regular water.

FRUIT: Eat 6 fruits daily during the 2-day cleanse.

Eat an apple every morning plus one additional fruit, one fruit mid morning, one fruit with lunch, one mid-afternoon, and one fruit after dinner. Apples (must eat the skin with the fruit), Grapefruit. (One-half grapefruit equals 1 fruit selection), blueberries, blackberries, pomegranates, or plums only. You MAY NOT substitute juice or canned fruit. (NO melons, bananas, or strawberries during the 2Day Cleansing Diet).


Vegetables will provide non-grain source of fiber during the 2Day Cleansing diet. The preferred sources are at least one cup of lightly cooked green vegetables at lunch and dinner plus salads. Whereas protein improves mood and energy levels, vegetables (fiber) help to give the physical sensation of fullness, while slowing the postprandial release of sugar into the blood. See Appendix.


The consumption of lean proteins is encouraged because protein curbs the appetite and elevates mood and energy levels. Studies have shown that protein has a stronger thermogenic effect than carbohydrates. All lean meats may be broiled, baked, boiled, grilled, steamed, or sautéed in Teflon pan with no fat or oil added to the pan. All visible fat must be removed. Blot fat off broiled meat. Use no fats or gravies in cooking. Eggs may be boiled, poached or fried in Teflon pan with no fat added. You may eat all you want of the following protein foods:   Fish, any type not breaded or fried                                                   Lean Beef Shellfish, Crab, Lobster, or Shrimp                                      Poultry: Chicken, Turkey


As part of the 2 Day Cleansing Diet you must have two tablespoons of Grapeseed Oil every day.


NO breads, rice, grains or cereals should be eaten during the 2-Day Cleansing Diet.


Take Peak Advantage Multi-Vitamin daily: 2 Capsules three times daily, with each meal. Take the Succeed Fat-Burner daily: 1 Capsule twice daily, with breakfast and lunch.


Weekly visits are absolutely essential to the success of this program. Frequent physician contact helps to support and motivate patients, as well as assure the safety of the program. The doctor needs to monitor habits to insure that the behavioral modification aspects of the program are followed. The establishment of new daily habits is necessary to promote the long-term control of body weight and to promote good health. Therefore, at each visit the physician should:

  1. Check the patient’s weight
  2. Provide supply of Vital Diet Supplements
  3. Review the diary
  4. Give a weekly intramuscular injection of B Vitamin Complex



The Vital “Lifetime” Diet

600 Calorie Daily Servings  (see Appendix for Food Groups)

8 Proteins: Low Calorie Group only 4‑5 “A” Group Vegetables 1 Fruit 1 Milk 8 oz Approved Beverage   *50% Protein *23% Fat *27% Carbohydrate

800 Calorie Daily Servings   (see Appendix for Food Groups)

8 Proteins: Low Calorie Group only 4‑5 “A” Group Vegetables 2 Fruits 2 Breads 1 Milk 8 oz Approved Beverage   *39% Protein *19% Fat *42% Carbohydrate

1000 Calorie Daily Servings  (see Appendix for Food Groups)

8 Proteins: Low Calorie Group only 4‑5 “A” Group Vegetables 2 Fruits 3 Breads 3 Fats 2 Milks Approved Beverage   *32% Protein *26% Fat *42% Carbohydrate

1200 Calorie Daily Servings   (see Appendix for Food Groups)

9 Proteins: 6 Low Calorie Group, 2 Medium Calorie Group 4‑5 “A” Group Vegetables 2 Fruits 4 Breads 3 Fats 2 Milks Approved Beverage   *30% Protein *28% Fat *42% Carbohydrate

1400 Calorie Daily Servings   (see Appendix for Food Groups)

7 Proteins: 4 Low Calorie Group, 2 Medium Calorie Group, 1 High Calorie 4‑5 “A” Group Vegetables 1 “B” Group Vegetable 3 Fruits 5 Breads 4 Fats 2 Milks 8 oz Approved Beverage   *2 1% Protein *23% Fat *56% Carbohydrate

The 600 Calorie Diet

Suggested daily menu (substitute equivalent serving as preferred)
Breakfast: 2 Egg Whites 1 Fruit 8 oz. Rice Milk, Soy Milk, Almond Milk Coffee substitute or Herb Tea without milk or sugar               
Lunch: 2 servings Protein Group 1  (may be all one item) 2 Vegetables 8 oz Approved Beverage
Dinner:4 servings Protein Group 1 (may be all one item) 2‑3 Vegetables 8 oz Approved Beverage

The 800 Calorie Diet

Suggested daily menu (substitute equivalent serving as preferred)
Breakfast: 1 Fruit 1 Cereal 8 oz. Rice Milk, Soy Milk, or Almond Milk
Lunch: 2 servings from Protein Group I  (may be all one item) 2 Vegetables 1 Fruit Approved Beverage
Dinner:6 servings from Protein Group I  (may be all one item) 3 Vegetables 1 Bread 8 oz Approved Beverage

The 1000 Diet

Suggested daily menu (substitute equivalent serving as preferred)
Breakfast: 1 Fruit 1 Cereal 1 Bread 1 tsp Grapeseed Oil 8 oz Rice Milk, Soy Milk, or Almond Milk  
Lunch: 2 servings from Protein Group 1  (may be all one item) 2 Vegetables 1 Bread ½ serving of Margarine 8 oz Approved Beverage  
Dinner: 6 servings from Protein Group I  (may be all one item) 3 Vegetables 1 Fruit 1 Fat 8 oz Approved Beverage  

The 1200 Calorie Diet

Suggested daily menu (substitute equivalent serving as preferred)
Breakfast: 1 Fruit 1 Cereal 1 Bread (toasted if desired) 1 Fat (margarine 8 oz. Rice Milk, Soy Milk, Almond Milk  
Lunch 4 servings from Protein Group I  (may be all one item) 2 “A” Group Vegetables 1 Bread 1 tsp Grapeseed Oil 8 oz Approved Beverage  
Dinner: 2 servings from Protein Group I  (may be all one item) 2 servings from Protein Group II  (may be all one item) (may be all one item) 3 “A” Group Vegetables 1 “B” Group Vegetable 1 Fruit 1 Bread 8 oz Approved Beverage

The 1400 Calorie Diet

Suggested daily menu (substitute equivalent serving as preferred)
Breakfast: 1 Fruit 1 Cereal 1 Bread (toasted if desired) 1 tsp Grapeseed Oil 8 oz. Rice Milk, Soy Milk, or Almond Milk  
Lunch: 3 servings from Protein Group I  (may be all one item) 2 “A” Group Vegetables 1 “B” Group Vegetable 1 Fruit 1 Bread 8 oz Rice Milk, Soy Milk, or Almond Milk 8 oz Approved Beverage  
Dinner:1 serving from Protein Group I (may be all one item) 1 serving from Protein Group II (may be all one item) 1 serving from Protein Group III (may be all one item) 3 “A” Group Vegetables 1 Fruit 2 Breads 8 oz Approved Beverage


The Vital Diet FOOD GROUPS

Protein Group I

Low calorie.

Cooked weight without bone or skin where applicable. ………………………………
Amount in one serving Beef (round, flank, chuck T‑bone, or chipped: lean and trimmed of all visible fat, “Good” grades preferable, well cooked and drained if cooked in fat) ……1 oz.
Chicken (boiled, baked, broiled without skin: white or dark meat) ……………………………..1 oz.
Clam, entire …………………………………………………………………………….……………3 oz.
Clams, meat only ………………………………………………………………….……………1 ½ oz.
Cottage Cheese (all types) ………………………………………………………..……..1/3 oz
Crab, cooked ……………………………………………………………………….……………1 ½ oz.
Eggs Whites  ………………………………………………………………………………….…………2
Fish (whiting, haddock, cod, sole, flounder, perch, Halibut, trout, snapper: broiled, boiled, or baked) ………………………………..………1oz.
Lobster ……………………………………………………………………….……………..……1 ½ oz.
Shrimp (plain, no breading or sauce) ……………………………………….…………10 medium
Tuna (water packed to washed and well drained)………………………….……………1 oz.
Turkey (same as chicken)……………………………………………………………………………1 oz.
Rice Milk, Soy Milk, or Almond Milk ……………………………………………………………7 oz.
Protein Group II Low calorie. Cooked weight without bone or skin where applicable. Amount in one serving
Beans (pinto, black, navy, kidney, lima, white)…………………………1/2 cup cooked
Beef (any type, “Prime” or “Choice” grade: well trimmed of fat ……………..1 oz.
Cheese (only low fat, read label) ………………………………………………………………1 oz.
Lamb (any type, same as beef) …………………………………………………………………1 oz.
Mackerel (broiled, boiled, baked) …………………………………………………………….1 oz.
Pork (any type, same as beef) ………………………………………………………………….1 oz.
Salmon, (preferably fresh to eliminate mercury contamination) ……………….1 oz.
Rice Milk, Soy Milk, Almond Milk, or Cocconut Milk  …………………………………8 oz.
Soybeans, or Tofu (cooked curd) ……………………………………………………………1/2 cup
Soybeans, cooked or mature seeds……………………………………………………….1/2 cup
Veal (any type, same as beef) ………………………………………………………………….1 oz
Whole Egg ………………………………………………………………………………………………………1
Yogurt (plain or low fat, no fruit (Cow’s milk or Soy)  …………………………………..7 oz
Protein Group III High calorie. Amount in one serving
Cheese (all types)……………………………………………………………………………….1 oz.
Egg Whole…………………………………………..………………………………………………..2
Fried Egg ……………………………………………………………………………………………….…..1
Peanut Buffer …………………………………………………………………………………..2 Tablespoons
Scrambled Egg ………………………………………………………………………………….……..2
Vegetable Group
If you eat raw vegetables: 1 cup = 1 serving or 1 vegetable
If you eat cooked vegetables: ½ cup serving or 1 vegetable
“A” Vegetables
Beet Greens
Brussels Sprouts 
Dandelion Greens 
Green Beans      
Mustard Greens  
“B” Vegetables
Fruit Group            
The best way to eat fruit is raw, the 2nd best is fresh frozen.
Amount in one serving Apple (2″ diameter) …………………………….. 1
Applesauce ……………………………………….. ½ cup
Apricots, fresh …………………………………… 2 medium
Apricots, dried …………………………………… 4 halves
Banana……………………………………………… ½ small
Blackberries ………………………………………. 1 cup
Blueberries ……………………………………….. 2/3 cup
Cantaloupe (6″diameter) ………………………. ¼ melon
Cherries ……………………………………………. 10 large
Dates………………………………………………… 2
Figs, fresh …………………………………………. 2 large
Figs, dried …………………………………………. 1 small
Grapefruit ….. ……………………………… ½ small
Grapefruit Juice …………………………………. ¼ cup
Grapes ……………………………………………… 12 large
Grape Juice ……………………………………….. ¼ cup
Honeydew …………………………………………. 1/8 medium
Mango ……………………………………………… ½ small
Orange ……………………………………………… 1 small
Orange Juice …………………… ……………….. ½ cup
Papaya ……………………………………………… 1/3 medium
Peach ……………………………………………….. 1 medium
Pear …………………………………………………. 1 medium
Pineapple ………………………………………….. ½ cup
Pineapple Juice ………………………………….. 1/3 cup
Plums ……………………………………………… 2 medium
Prunes, dried …………………………………….. 2 medium
Raisins……………………………………………… 2 Tablespoons
Raspberries ……………………………………….. 1 cup
Strawberries ……………………………………… 1 cup
Tangerine …………………………………………. 1 large
Watermelon ………………………………………. 1 cup

Bread Group

Higher fiber content and nutritionally better than Group II
Amount in one serving
Kashi Strawberry Fields, Kashi Cinnamon Harvest, Kashi Heart to Heart All Bran, Shredded Wheat, 40% Bran, Bran Chex, Total, Wheaties, Most, Grapenuts)  …………….1 cup
Corn………………………………………………………………………………….. ½ cup
Corn on the Cob………………………………………………………………….. 1 small
Lima Beans (see Protein Group also) ……………………………………….. ½ cup
Popcorn …………………………………………………………………½ cup
Potatoes …………………………………………………………………½ cup
Rice (whole grain rice only, brown or multi-colored) ……………………… ½ cup
Whole wheat Bagel …………………………………………………………………….. ½
Whole Wheat Bread ……………………………………………………………………..1 slice

Fats / Oils

Amount in one serving Olive Oil or Grapeseed Oil…..…………………………………………1tsp
Fleishman’s Olive Oil Whipped Margarine……………………..……..1 teaspoon
Grapeseed Mayonnaise…………………………………………………2 teaspoons
Olive or Grapeseed Oil & Vinegar Salad Dressing..…………………..1 Tablespoon
Almonds, Pecans or Walnuts (not roasted or salted) ………………………..10 Whole

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