Whooping Cough Epidemic is No Epidemic at All!

by | Sep 28, 2012

Whooping cough, caused by Bordetella pertussis, is a cyclical disease with natural increases that tend to occur every 5-7 years, no matter how high the vaccination rate is in a population using DPT/DTaP or Tdap vaccines on a widespread basis. Whole cell DPT vaccines used in the U.S. from the 1950’s until the late 1990’s were estimated to be 63 to 94 percent effective and studies showed that vaccine-acquired immunity fell to about 40 percent after seven years.

In a recent study of the newer vaccine, the researchers noted the vaccine’s effectiveness was only 41 percent among 2- to 7-year-olds and a dismal 24 percent among those aged 8-125.
With this shockingly low rate of DTaP vaccine effectiveness, the questionable solution public health officials have come up with is to declare that everybody has to get three primary shots and three follow-up booster shots in order to get long-lasting protection6—and last year they started blaming the increase in the disease to the spread by family members, who then were told they needed booster shots.
All of this conveniently makes the Vaccine manufacturers a lot more money, but has not been proven to help reduce the spread of the disease. Why? Because Whooping Cough is a cyclical disease that surges every 5-7 years due to its natural life cycle and the vaccine provides little protection if any protection at all.
To learn more, click here to read Dr. Mercola’s article entitled: Mounting Evidence Shows Many Vaccines are Ineffective

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