Your Voice Was Heard In The Senate

by | May 23, 2010

Waxman’s Anti-Supplement FTC Language Kept Out of The Senate Finance Reform Bill! Two weeks ago we told you about a “sneak” anti-supplement provision (Section 4901) slipped at the last moment into the House Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (H.R. 4173). This “below the radar” provision would give the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) broad new rulemaking and enforcement authority to force vitamins off the market or into drugs.
The good news is that with your support we successfully headed this off by making the provision too “controversial”, as Senator Dodd reportedly said. Still, the fight isn’t over. We must continue on the lookout for attempts by politicians in the pockets of “big pharma” to regulate vitamins out of the market.
Stay tuned. I will keep you posted to future developments.

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